
2441 posts

Physical Beauty and Biblical Sexual Attraction

There is a difference between physical beauty and biblical sexual attraction. Physical beauty is on display to be admired by all who observe it. The Holy Spirit describes the beauty of Job’s daughters this way: “Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.” Physical beauty can and should be appreciated by many. But sexual attraction is only for one’s marriage partner. Sexual attraction outside of marriage will lead to lust and, eventually, torment. It is important to teach this truth to your daughters and sons. In Galatians 5:19-21, sensuality is listed as one of the deeds of the flesh. Sensuality is an unbridled, […]

Your Anger Is Not Your Friend

Anger—sometimes it just feels right. When your husband is insensitive, when the kids are selfish and squabble constantly, when your wife is disrespectful, anger stands ready to come to your defense. When others are not helpful anger is there to encourage you. When your pride is wounded, anger offers its healing power. When human anger is embraced, God is cast aside. But what about righteous anger? Paul says in Ephesians 4:26 that in your anger you should not sin. So, since it is possible to be angry and not sin, it easy to welcome anger like a friendly ally when others sin against us. But Ephesians 4:26 is not all that Paul has to say about anger. Just 5 verses […]

Metaphor Or Reality?

How do you represent God’s word to your children?  Do you believe the words of God are life to your children or are these words more of a metaphor? Here is an illustration that shows the meaning behind my question. Suppose you gave your child a stack of twenty one dollar bills. Then you tell your child to take good care of them and they will be a blessing to him. An hour later you see your son playing in the back yard with paper airplanes. Then you realize the paper airplanes were made from the dollar bills you just gave him. What would you do? Would you think, well I am glad he is having a good time being creative? […]

Only Wisdom Will Protect Your Teenagers

Biblical wisdom is designed to protect lives. As the Proverbs teach, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom. Wisdom is not neutral or passive. Wisdom thrives on passion and love for God. Wisdom without passion is useless. Joseph demonstrated a passionate love for wisdom when Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce him. The woman provocatively grabbed Joseph’s clothing with such force that it was clear that only one thing was on her mind. Joseph’s response was also swift and passionate. He tore himself away, leaving her holding on to his cloak. Such a passionate response is not simply an academic decision. Joseph’s response was like Job’s. Job feared God and shunned evil. Wisdom driven by passion […]

Heaven: God’s Gift

The gift of heaven makes sense of life as nothing else can. It is a gift that cannot be earned by man, but won by Christ. It is a gift that exposes our faith, but is given in faithfulness. It is a gift that we are tempted to exchange for the treasures of this life. It is a gift looked upon with doubt, but, once given, removes all doubt. It is a gift often ignored, but then embraced with gratitude. It is a gift viewed through brokenness, but then radically, wonderfully heals. It is a gift dreaded by the foolish, but longed for by the wise. It is a gift often seen as loss, yet brings the most precious of blessings. […]

Watching God Work

Every four years, as Americans, we have the privilege of seeing God’s faithfulness displayed in the transition of the executive office of President. Four years ago, God made Barack Obama once again to be the President of the United States. Tomorrow, January 20th, if things go as planned, Donald Trump will also be made President by the power of God. These two men are radically different individuals. But they have this one thing in common, they each serve at the pleasure of the God of heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit makes this clear in places like Daniel 2 and Colossians 1:15-20. Here are Daniel’s words: “Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.  He said, “Praise the name of God […]

Three Things Love Is Not!

I Corinthians 13:5 shows three patterns that are the enemy of truly loving your children. These patterns will bring anger, frustration and brokenness. They are also connected; one leads to the other. Let’s look at each one: Love is not self-seeking It is foolish to assume that what pleases you and what pleases God are one and the same. For example, do you want a house that is quiet and orderly? Why? Because that is pleasant to you? Or do you want a house full of energy and exuberance? Again, why? If your goal is to satisfy your own preferences and personality, you are not setting an example of love. The goals you set for your home must first and […]

How To Love Your Children

I Corinthians 13 has some important things to say about how love your kids in a way that blesses them and brings honor to God. Here are some examples: Love is patient That is what Paul means in Ephesians 6:4 when he calls upon fathers not to provoke their children to anger. This means that love is not a knee-jerk reaction when things don’t go well. Loving your children means understanding them and anticipating how obedience to your direction will be a challenge for them. Don’t be frustrated with their struggles. You are in the process of calling them from death to life. Love is kind Kind actions and pleasant words are the language of the gospel. Don’t allow busy, […]

Gender As a Spectrum: Moral Chaos For Children

The January 2017 issue of National Geographic examines the issue of gender. The editor of the magazine believes gender is not an issue of male and female, but that gender is best understood as numerous points along a spectrum of possible identities. As this special magazine issue indicates, the idea of gender as a spectrum is a recent concept and rapidly changing the way culture and science view the sex of humans. According to National Geographic, gender identity and sexual orientation are fixed realities that are determined by children as they grow. The idea that humans are created male and female by God has been been discarded. The notion that gender can be determined at birth is also dismissed. Note […]

Your Teenager Is Caught In the Tug-Of-War Of Life

It is important not to miss the struggles your teenager faces each day. She is often functioning without immediate and constant parental supervision. New and sometimes dangerous influences enter his life. This is the scary part. It is no secret that sex, drugs, pornography, bullying and gambling have all made their way into the teenage world. So what can you do to shepherd your teenager without giving them a lie detector test each afternoon and attaching a body cam and GPS to them? Here is one answer: Become an epic listener! Here are some practical ways to become an epic listener: Fall in love with Proverbs 18:13. Don’t form responses in your mind or with your words until you have […]