Godward Orientation

188 posts

Why Is Sin Attractive To Your Children?

Selfishness, lies, anger, self-pity, cruelty, come naturally to your children. On the surface these sins appear out-of-character for the infant in your arms who just wants to be warm, fed and held close. So, when the ugly indicators of a dark heart emerge, it is easy to be surprised and taken aback. Too often the response to dark hearts is to increase creature comforts, to focus on the external issues as if children were still infants needing to be warm with full tummies and a clean diaper. Thus a nasty reaction to a sibling is often attributed to being tired or hungry. While it is important to be sure physical needs are cared for, dark hearts have a much deeper […]

Gentleness, Much More Than a Personality Trait

Gentleness is probably not on the top of your list of important, immediate goals to accomplish. Perhaps this is because you see gentleness primarily as a personality trait. This is the point where gentleness is often misunderstood. Gentleness is all about the wise use of power. This is huge for parents. God’s purpose for each of us is to continue growing in maturity in order to become more like Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Christ describes himself as being gentle. Gentleness is part of the Holy Spirit’s fruit that each of us is to pursue. Gentleness may be described as the careful, planned use of the appropriate force to accomplish biblical objectives. The mother tiger in the photo is using just enough […]

Tedd Tripp: Give Your Children a Glorious God

If you want your children to have a reason to sing on Sunday, give them a glorious God. If you want your children to have a reason not to sin on Monday, give them a glorious God. If you want them to think of nobler things than the latest, mind-numbing video fantasy game, give them a glorious God. If you want them to dream grander dreams than illicit sex or more money or more stuff, give them a glorious God. If you want them to have a reason for confidence when life seems to spin out of control, give them a glorious God. When friends are offering the pleasures of sin for a season, they need a glorious God. Godly […]

A Cloudy Sunrise

No leaves are on the trees for a morning sun to show their breathtaking color palette. The clouds appear flat and dull without the sun’s brilliance to highlight their rich contours. There won’t be many photos this morning with comments proclaiming that the heavens are displaying the glory of God. No expressions of wow and awe. It is just another dull ordinary day. Really? No, the wonder of God’s creation is on display! How? You and I think this way when our minds are informed by what we want rather than by the beauty of God’s truth. The low lying clouds carry moisture that God uses to water his earth. Above them the sun radiates its power, as it always […]

Joy When Life Is Hard

Life is hard. But as you think about the wonder of the Lord’s salvation, even when life is hard, especially when life is hard, there are times when pure joy should erupt in your soul. Psalm 126 records the journey of Israel going up to Jerusalem to worship. This psalm captures this joy. Laughter and praise flow freely in the psalm. This psalm is one that brings perspective. God has indeed rescued you from the pit. You are not treated as your sins deserve. You will know the joy of eternity with your Savior. Your tears of sorrow will turn into tears of joy. Life is hard, but Jesus has recused you and brings hope, joy and yes, even laughter. […]

Metaphor Or Reality?

How do you represent God’s word to your children?  Do you believe the words of God are life to your children or are these words more of a metaphor? Here is an illustration that shows the meaning behind my question. Suppose you gave your child a stack of twenty one dollar bills. Then you tell your child to take good care of them and they will be a blessing to him. An hour later you see your son playing in the back yard with paper airplanes. Then you realize the paper airplanes were made from the dollar bills you just gave him. What would you do? Would you think, well I am glad he is having a good time being creative? […]

Heaven: God’s Gift

The gift of heaven makes sense of life as nothing else can. It is a gift that cannot be earned by man, but won by Christ. It is a gift that exposes our faith, but is given in faithfulness. It is a gift that we are tempted to exchange for the treasures of this life. It is a gift looked upon with doubt, but, once given, removes all doubt. It is a gift often ignored, but then embraced with gratitude. It is a gift viewed through brokenness, but then radically, wonderfully heals. It is a gift dreaded by the foolish, but longed for by the wise. It is a gift often seen as loss, yet brings the most precious of blessings. […]

Advent and the Nearness Of God

What is your good? How would you define it? Is it the early morning cup of coffee? Is your good watching your team grab the unexpected victory? Perhaps your good is that secluded walk along a forest trail. Or it may be any number of special treasures that only you know. Then there is the special good of the Advent. Advent redefines what good is and makes one good tower above all of the longings and aspirations that our heart can capture. The Psalmist gives a first window into what is the highest of all goods: “But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge…” The nearness of his God […]

The Fork In the Road

Each day you have a choice. You can follow the path of death or follow the path of life. Sound dramatic? Actually, no, it is just reality. The whirlpool of death swirls all around you. It is easy to be confused into thinking that it is just the hectic pace of life that keeps you feeling unsatisfied. “I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” But tomorrow turns out to be just like today, and so it goes. Choosing to consciously identify with God is choosing life. Moses told Israel that each day they must love their God, listen to his voice and hold on tight to him: “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love […]

Five Senses

Every day is an opportunity to be invested in something more than what our five senses tell us. More to the point, our senses fail to tell us what makes life worth living. Life lived for sensory input alone cannot deliver the spectacular promises that each sense evokes. Our eyes show beauty, our ears hear music, our tongues tempt of delicacies, aromas bring memories, our bodies long for warm embrace. With each sensual encounter we long for more, but satisfaction is only for the moment. Our senses lead us to wonder or fear, but can do no more. Praise God that there is more to life than our senses offer. As wonderful as our senses are, they are not enough. […]