Heaven: God’s Gift

Longing for HomeThe gift of heaven makes sense of life as nothing else can.

It is a gift that cannot be earned by man, but won by Christ.
It is a gift that exposes our faith, but is given in faithfulness.
It is a gift that we are tempted to exchange for the treasures of this life.
It is a gift looked upon with doubt, but, once given, removes all doubt.
It is a gift often ignored, but then embraced with gratitude.
It is a gift viewed through brokenness, but then radically, wonderfully heals.
It is a gift dreaded by the foolish, but longed for by the wise.
It is a gift often seen as loss, yet brings the most precious of blessings.
It is a gift often hidden from children, but they, most of all, need to know its blessings.
It is a gift that where we cannot predict its timing, but will come when the good Shepherd calls.
It is a gift that reveals our weakness, but brings the radiant energy of Christ.
It is a gift obscured by temporal illusions, but then explodes with the brilliance of eternity.
It is a gift to be longed for, if only we believe.
It is the Gift which saves you from yourself.
It is the gift that makes life worth living.
…Without this gift there would be no life.

The gift of heaven – the richest treasure the heart can possess.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44)


Shepherd Press