How like God to take the most dramatic moment in human history and hide it from our eyes. In the moments of the early dawn on the third day after the crucifixion, Jesus Christ awoke from the grip of death and walked again on planet earth. It was a moment that was not witnessed by humans but was displayed to the powers and rulers in the heavenly realms. In that moment Scripture tells us that God disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities who opposed him (see Ephesians 2:1-3 & Colossians 2:15) and made a public spectacle of their defeat before all the universe. Death was smashed and life was assured for God’s sheep. Hurting, sinful people could now participate in […]
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Think about Saturday, the day after the crucifixion. This day was different. The trial, the crowds, the drama of Christ upon the cross was past. No one really knew what Sunday, the third day, would bring. The disciples were overwhelmed. The twelve and those close to them had spent three years with the most powerful person in all of human history. Try as they might they could not anticipate his next move or deed. Now, his striking presence was gone. It appeared their hopes and dreams had evaporated before their eyes. The Roman leaders were most likely relieved that this whole mess was behind them. But there was the Centurion who knew that a great wrong had been done. And, […]
That’s not fair! This phrase punctuates modern life. A perceived lack of fairness fuels arguments that lead to broken relationships, job disputes and political debate. This is because fairness has become the standard of conduct and not righteousness. Fairness means that what is right must be relative and not absolute. Situations and circumstances determine what is fair. Therefore, fairness and an absolute standard of righteousness are not compatible. Fairness means standards must change to fit life situations, therefore what is right must change as well. But consider this: If fairness was the guiding principle for life and conduct, then Christ would never have gone to the cross. Jesus did not die to make things fair, he died to make his […]
One day a young man had an intimate farewell dinner with his closest friends. His friends were clueless as to what was about to take place. Over the next 21 hours this thirty-something religious teacher would become a political prisoner. He would be betrayed, falsely accused, tortured, mocked, and murdered. The men who said they were his friends would turn their backs on him. His own Father refused to honor his request for him to be spared from unspeakable suffering. His country’s religious leaders turned on him in hatred. Crowds of people who had only days earlier shouted his praises, now rallied as an angry mob shouting for his death. What was at stake? This thirty-something outcast was all […]
Sometimes I think we sell God short in our prayers when we only ask for things that seem to good to us. There is, of course, the guideline of the wonderful prayer of our Lord. But, even in this prayer there is the element of faith and trust where we ask for his kingdom to come, not knowing fully what that might mean. Yes, I pray many times each day that God would obliterate my wife’s brain cancer. I pray for the well-being and a deepening love for God for each of our five children. I believe these are good things to pray for. But, I find I pray little for what God might do in my life beyond […]
USA Today has accurately & succinctly summed the problem surrounding the same-sex marriage issue. Our culture has come to believe that man is the one who decides what marriage is to look like. The actual belief is that we can serve as our own judge. This is true for marriage, for sexual conduct, for any lifestyle adjustment we choose to make. We are the judge. We are entitled to do what is right in our own eyes. If history were taught with any degree of accuracy this cultural embrace of the will of man would invoke fear and dread. Nations who openly flaunt God do not end well. This is true whether the result is immediate or eventual. […]
The Holy Spirit has guaranteed you an inheritance, which includes your place in heaven. What a huge blessing this is! The most wonderful and spectacular destination any human can have has been secured for you by God’s Holy Spirit. If you were going to take the vacation of a life time would you be silent about your upcoming journey? Would you plan for it? Would you think of all the great things you would do on this once-in-a- lifetime trip? I think the answer to these questions is obvious. Now let’s compare this grand earthly journey with the one you will take one day. Actually, the two are not worth comparing as the trip that says destination: […]
This is a question that is asked by every Christian parent. If we look to human confirmation for the answer, life will quickly become a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs. The only answer that can truly satisfy is to realize that the eternal destiny of our children is tied to the faithfulness of God. God alone does what is right and good. As much as we may want to, we cannot will our children to know God. Ultimately the hearts of our children can only be reached by the grace of God. They cannot earn their way to heaven. Our children, like us, began life as God’s enemies. (Ephesians 2:1-3) But God is rich in mercy. He makes […]
Meteors and asteroids have been in the news lately. As recently as last Friday evening residents along America’s east coast from Florida to Massachusetts witnessed a fireball in the sky. A logical question for NASA scientists is what can we do if one of these near earth objects appears headed for our planet. Fox News covered a press conference where this question was asked. Here is the answer: “In the wake of last month’s meteor strike in Russia and a close asteroid flyby on the same day, members of Congress asked NASA, White House and Air Force officials what they’re doing to combat the threat of near-Earth asteroids during a hearing Tuesday on Capitol Hill. “The answer to […]
What do you have waiting for God? In Psalm 65 David proclaims to God that praise awaits him from the hearts of his people. What do you have waiting for God as you prepare for worship? David’s heart is full with the blessings of God. The blessings that David speaks of are ones that are shared by all of God’s people – rich or poor. Your sins have been forgiven when they overwhelmed you. You have been made royalty by virtue of your relationship to Christ. You have had the treasures of heaven bestowed upon you. Your future has been made secure by the deposit guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. Praise is indeed the appropriate state of […]