Monthly Archives: April 2013

30 posts

The worship of God is unacceptable to America.

This past week’s headlines certainly grabbed our attention. There were at least two that indicated America’s growing intolerance of God. One was a study from the University of Michigan that finds cohabitation has statistically become the living arrangement of choice for young women.  Pamela Smock, a director of the study said this: “By the time they’re 20, 1 in 4 women ages 15 to 44 in the U.S. have lived with a man, and by the time they’re 30, that ratio climbs to 3 in 4, the new study shows. “The question becomes not who cohabits, but who doesn’t?” Smock says.” The second story is about a federal judge clearing the way for a “morning-after pill” to be available for […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

God commands that you love others. Do you love because this pleases God or because it benefits you? Here are some provocative words from Paul Tripp.   “God created us to be social beings. His plan, from day one, was for us to live in meaningful community with another. It is one of the primary ways that we can image him. Have you ever considered that God himself is a community? He is the only being in the universe who can say that. Our relationships are so important to God but he position ed the command for us to love one another second only to the call love him. We are called live in productive community with others, and those […]

Midlife – A New Season

Our God is the author of new seasons. He is the giver of you seeds, new roots, and new fruit. He causes fruits and flowers to grow where weeds and thorns once were. He is the God of the new harvest.   In midlife God calls you to turn from mourning over your previous harvest to planting new and better seeds.  Maybe you mourn about the harvest of your parenting. Plant new seeds. Maybe that means working to restore distant or broken relationships with your adult children. Or it could mean being a wise and godly grandparent, sowing spiritual seeds the souls of the next generation. Perhaps you mourn that your life was controlled by your career. Take advantage of […]

The Bible, Your Heart, and Your Eyes

One way to look at Scripture is that it is your connection with the wonder of eternity. The Bible is only place that tells you about what is now in light of what is to come. The plan of the enemy is for us to think that our life on earth is all that is real. However, life on earth is meaningless if it is not connected to eternity.   The freedom of being liberated by the limitations of this life is almost beyond words. What happens here is not all that there is. We live for the day when we will no longer be bound by time. The day of eternity leaves the darkness of night behind. We will […]

Millions In Gold and Silver

Christians sometimes struggle to make the Bible practical or real.  Here is one reason that the practicality of God’s word is difficult for us. We miss the obvious illustrations that the Bible does provide to help us see how practical it is. For example look at Psalm 119:72:   “The law from your mouth is more precious to me     than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.”   One translation says the amount should be stated as millions in gold and silver.  Now how many of us think that life would be much easer to manage if our bank accounts contained millions of dollars?  We would probably think that if this happened our problems would be over.   The Holy […]

What to tell your kids about North Korea

Speculation about the actions of North Korea have become a little more interesting. Of particular note is the announcement that the North Koreans have approved a “merciless nuclear attack” on the United States.   In some form or fashion you children will hear of the growing tension. They will have questions or concerns or in some cases, fears that need to be addressed. I am on safe ground in saying that not once in the national media will you hear a newscaster urge that the Living God of the Bible be called upon for protection. If God is mentioned at all it will be only after something horrific has happened. So what do you tell your children?   First tell […]

David’s plea and your plea should be the same

There are many things that you give to your children. Birthday parties, holiday gifts and remembrances, special vacations, and appreciation for accomplishments are some of them. Other things not so noticeable are clothing, a house that is comfortable and dry, and providing for education. You do these things because you want your children to do well. Planning for these things can occupy much of your time as you live with your children. These are all good things, but what is most important is missing.   I have just one question for your consideration. Where does helping your children acquire biblical wisdom fit in with your plans for them?   Proverbs four records David’s plea to his son, Solomon, about what […]

What is important to a toddler?

Toddlers are people. If a toddler suddenly realizes that a sibling has his favorite toy, his immediate interpretation might be that something is very wrong with his world. The toddler may burst out crying or he may decide to retrieve his toy even if he has to fight for it. His response flows from his interpretation of his circumstances. For a young child, a toddler, being satisfied is important. Problems arise because, just as with older children and adults, things do not bring lasting satisfaction.    In order to give or receive satisfaction in human relationships, you must first be satisfied in your relationship with Christ. That means resting completely in Christ’s care for you. It means not judging the […]

April 1st – The Enemy’s Everyday Holiday

Gotcha – This is the word of the day on April Fools’ Day. For centuries people have used this day to play “tricks” on each other. The idea is to make one think something is true when it is not.  When someone actually falls for one of these false scenarios then the perpetrator of the ruse will comically state – “April Fools!”. In other words, you have been had.   This day is a timely day to remind each other and our children that the April Fools’ spirit is alive and well everyday! The father of lies likes nothing better than when one of his deceitful schemes has been believed. Only he doesn’t say “gotcha” when this happens. He keeps […]

Grief and Anxiety: Diseases or Not?

Here is the latest entry of Dr. Charles Hodges’s blog. Dr. Hodges is the author of Good Mood, Bad Mood: Help and Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder.  In this blog post, he cites a leading British Professor, Peter Kinderman,  who comments about new findings in the psychological community regarding grief and anxiety. Since these issues touch so many, these are important matters to consider. Dr. Hodges has done a tremendous service in bringing the light of Scripture to bear on a problem where the secular medical community is finding more problems than solutions. [hr] Grief and Anxiety: Diseases or Not? by Dr. Charles Hodges A little more than two months ago, Peter Kinderman wrote an editorial for BBC News Health […]