If my obedience does not produce acceptance, then why bother to obey, to attempt to excel? Why bother to obey if I cannot earn God’s favor? I obey because I have been loved and been shown mercy. I obey because I want to see my Savior’s reputation enhanced on earth. I obey because it means participating in the only thing that truly matters, living for the glory of God. Some might say, “Well that is fine for me, but what about my children who have not yet professed faith? Why should they obey?” The answer is the same, because obedience that flows from a response to the mercy of God is the only form of obedience that […]
Daily Archives: August 28, 2013
2 posts
When truth about God is our greatest joy, we will help our children interpret life from a biblical perspective. Truths to impress on our children: • Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. It is not found in new jeans, a new iPod, a car, one’s abilities, or exciting, heart-pounding experiences. • We need to walk in wisdom, submit to the goodness of God’s way, and turn away from our own agendas. • A life of prayer and godly counsel is our desire. • Choices that are principled rather than popular, foregoing immediate gratification for the sake of eternal reward, are the goal. • God’s authority structures are a blessing. For an eight-year-old this means I can trust […]