Daily Archives: January 6, 2014

2 posts

Caring for single-parent families

Christian single-parents live in two worlds. As a part of the church world, they are in the minority. As a part of the world outside of church they are the majority. Parenting is challenging enough with two parents – it can be overwhelming with just one. It is important for church leaders and two-parent families to recognize the challenges single-parent brothers and sisters face. This is important for the health of the entire church and our witness to the communities we serve. As Paul reminds us, if one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers as well. Many of our single-parent families are struggling. This is not always easy to spot in a church environment. Worship services, educational […]

We must not hide the dominion of Christ from our children.

Colossians tells us that we have been rescued from the domain of darkness and been transferred into the Kingdom of God’s Son. Yet, often we act as if no rescue has taken place at all. You and I frequently live as if we still remain in the realm of darkness. When this happens we do what the Psalmist tells us not to do; we hide this miraculous transfer of dominions from our children.   Colossians does not speak of another kingdom that exists between the realm of darkness and the realm of Christ. Yet we often live as if this mythical kingdom is real. In this pretend kingdom, the really important issues of life are seen as neutral. There are […]