Monthly Archives: February 2014

25 posts

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Only in God is my soul at rest.   The Christian has but one place of safety.  One place of strength. One place of protection. These truths must not be forgotten in worship.  God does not share his glory with another.     In this sense, our worship must never be casual. We can be laid back with each other. Fear of man is never a good thing. But a holy, reverent fear of the Lord is always the path of blessing.   Whether there is an earthquake or a snow storm God alone is our foundation. When life hurts God is our fortress. Nothing can shake us loose from his hand.    Praise is always the response that will […]

The Morning After – How’s Your Relationship?

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Gifts were given. Some carefully planned and thoughtful, others, not so much. The flowers are in their vases, the chocolate has been enjoyed, the calendar has a new date. But the most important question still remains. How is your relationship? Did last night help to make it stronger? Do doubts still remain? Did the new morning bring new worries? The answers to these questions are found in the relationship that matters most – your relationship with God. Knowing  and loving God gives significance to all other relationships. This morning after one thing is certain above all others, God has not changed. He is constant. This means the content of love does not change. […]

What love does!

Love anticipates God will always care. Love offers encouragement when none is expected. Love does not regret the success of others. Love does not announce one’s own success. Love takes refuge in humility. Love seeks the honor of others. Love is not interested in self-promotion. Love knows joy before it knows anger. Love does not keep score. Love is thrilled when the truth is known. Love guards others even when it hurts. Love accepts care from others. Love is always certain of God’s promises. Love never caves.   This love is the true standard of Valentine’s Day. From I Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It […]

Two questions: ask the right one!

An unexpected temptation arises.  Should you go along or say no: this is the dilemma of having to decide right here, right now. You were not planning to have to make a potentially life-changing decision, but the moment has arrived whether you wanted it or not. What do you do?   You can frame this question based on the immediate circumstances before you. In this case your question will be something like, “What am I going to do?” Or you can move the issue to a larger stage and ask, “What does God want me to do?”   Two questions:   “What am I going to do?”   “What does God want me to do?”   King David chose to […]

Is God for real?

Non-Christians ask questions about God and reality all the time. But when Christians functionally doubt God’s word, in a way, we too question God. If we do this in front of our children, then we pass doubt about God’s reality on to our children. Next question, how does this happen? One way it happens is when we doubt God’s commands. For example, Paul gives the Philippians a clear straightforward command: Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation…” Philippians 2:14-15 Sounds easy enough – do everything without grumbling or arguing. Parents tell their children they should not argue or complain because the Bible says […]

Anticipation – the fuel of lust

Lust is a sin that dominates and never satisfies. This sequence is not random. Dissatisfaction is an intended consequence of lust that was designed by the enemy of your souls. Remember that Amnon was consumed by his sinful desire for Tamar. Yet, after he had acted upon his desire and taken her, instead of being satisfied, he was filled with hatred. The Holman Christian Standard Bible translates verse 2 Samuel 13:15 this way: After this, Amnon hated Tamar with such intensity that the hatred he hated her with was greater than the love he had loved her with. “Get out of here!” he said. In desperation, Tamar pleads with Amnon not to send her away. But his hatred was so […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Worship and desire.   What does your heart desire?  You will worship the one who blesses you.   What does your heart desire? Wisdom is a blessing from God.   What does your heart desire? Nothing you desire can compare with wisdom.   What does your heart desire? You cannot worship God and money.   What does your heart desire? Precious gems, silver and gold are not worthy of a heart won by Christ.   What does your heart desire? Nothing you desire can equal the wisdom of God. If you do not desire God’s blessings, your worship will be corrupt and polluted.   What blessing does your heart desire? Pray for courage to treasure the blessing of wisdom.  For […]

Friendship and Marriage

What Adam needed in the garden was not just a sexual partner but a companion, bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh.,, We think of a prospective spouse as primarily a lover (or a provider), and if he or she can be a friend on top of that, well isn’t that nice! We should be going at it the other way round. Screen first for friendship. Look for someone who understands you better than you do yourself, who makes you a better person just by being around them. And then explore whether that friendship could become a romance and a marriage. Tim Keller, Meaning of Marriage, 125-126. This is why it is so very important to teach your […]

Depression & Sleep: Should we blame Edison or ourselves

By Dr. Charles Hodges  Author of Good Mood Bad Mood Light bulbs have become a modest fixation for me. I hate anything that approaches fluorescence with a passion. I grew up in an incandescent world courtesy of one of the world’s greatest inventors Thomas Edison. And, frankly I would have preferred to finish under the somewhat golden light of a glowing filament. Thanks to a government that outlawed my favorite light source, I have become a hoarder of incandescent bulbs.  By now you are wondering what depression has to do with light bulbs and Tom Edison. The answer is that Edison made it economically practical to stay up long after dark. Our bodies are made to cycle up when the sun […]