Parents want children who obey. But obedience is more than just coming when called. Obedience is about loving God. Obedience is not a way plea bargain with God, or to appease him, or to make yourself worthy in his eyes. Only the work of Christ can make things right with God. Obedience is simply a response of love and worship to God. With the psalmist your goal is to have your children say: The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8 Understood in this light, obedience is not something to use to gain a reward – obedience itself is the reward. Obedience is a […]
Monthly Archives: June 2015
These are troubling days. The wicked appear to have the upper hand. But the word of God assures us that things are not as they seem. King David wrote a song that was used in worship to remind God’s people that the wicked have limits. David states that the meek shall inherit the land. Some 1,000 years later Jesus quotes these very words as he begins the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was letting his followers know that even though they would face persecution God would not abandon them or his covenant commitment to do what is right. Christians are to use the weapons of the Spirit and not of the flesh. In this case the weapon of the Spirit […]
The law of God is a thing of beauty. For the Christian it is the only perfect guide to faith and practice. When you attend church tomorrow you will do so knowing that the government of the United States has taken another step towards the obliteration of this law you hold so dear. This is not a time to doubt the sufficiency of God’s provision. It is a time to recommit yourself to honoring and obeying God. By going to church you are aligning yourself against the law of the land. You and your family will be on the side of bigotry and intolerance, or at least that is what the Supreme Court believes. The solution is not to focus […]
Hypocrisy is something you cannot avoid. You tell your children not to fight and then your argue with your spouse. You tell your children God is in control and then you become angry or despondent with the circumstances of life. You tell your children to put God first, and then you realize you told them that for selfish reasons. What can you do? You can tell you children about your struggles with hypocrisy. Seek forgiveness, use pleasant words, and speak the truth seasoned with salt and love. Help them to see that you are engaged in the same battles that they face. Encourage your children to fight these battles with you. You have a choice. You can lead your children […]
Several significant cases will be ruled upon by the Supreme Court in the next few days. These decisions have the capacity to be unsettling and in some cases life-changing for America. The way you respond to these decisions will impact your family and your testimony for Christ. No matter what the outcome of these decisions God is still our ruler and Savior. You can rest and trust in his goodness. It is this confidence in God’s care and control that must dominate your countenance and attitude. Here are some truths to remember as these decisions are made: Congress cannot deliver us from sin and greed. The Supreme Court does not have the final authority. We are not without hope. The […]
No one accomplishes anything apart from the express will and plan of God. We seldom think of God having that amount of reach and power into our personal lives. This is why we forget the importance of humility – we think we can take care of ourselves. In reality, such a notion is stupidity in action. Ruth Younts, in her book, “Get Wisdom!” defines humility this way: “Humility is knowing that everything good in me comes from God alone, and is not for my benefit first, but serving God and others. I shouldn’t put myself first.” This is why your children are born hating humility. Their only desire is to put themselves first. This is why adults hate humility. We […]
Today is June 21. Depending on where you live it is either the beginning of winter or of summer. The next three months will bring climatic changes caused by heat, cold, drought, and violent storms across the planet. Animals will hibernate and crops will grow. Some will know abundance, others will know famine. Days will simultaneously grow longer and shorter. Three months from now the winds of the equinox will signal the arrival of spring and fall. This is all orchestrated by the Lord of the wind and the waves. God makes the climate change. Right on schedule! Today the Sun reached the Northern most point on its journey which began last December 21st. At precisely the right millisecond, at […]
If God did not command us to worship him we would not worship him. But it goes deeper than that. Mankind was designed to worship. From the beginning man was to subdue the earth and occupy it for God’s glory. Worship is built into us as creatures. We can’t help but worship. So, there really is no way worship can be credited to us. Since the fall, we must be careful what we worship. Sin deceives us and entices us to worship anyone or anything but God. Worship is all around us. People worship false gods, idols, praise of other people, musicians, sports starts, prized possessions, even themselves. Some go so far as to worship the way they worship. Note […]
Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and families exist because of God’s exquisite plan. These roles and institutions did not evolve or become reality because of a legislative or community process. God ordained fathers and all the rest of the family structure. This divine institution has brought stability to the globe through out recorded history. Humans did not figure the family out as we went along. Rather, we followed the natural plan that God so wisely put in place from the the day of man’s creation in the garden! Until now. Or at least this is what the politically elite of today envision. But look at what has happened under the rule of the politically correct. There is no longer one definition […]
There are troubled hearts in Charleston, South Carolina, not to mention the troubled hearts all across the country. Once again, what appeared to be safe, was not. The time of the Fall can only disguise it’s ugliness for a season. The enemy of our souls is engaged in non-stop attempts to make us think that this world is good and has all that we really need. Then this myth is shattered by an event like Charleston. Not even churches are safe. This reminds us that the world is not all it is promised to be. However, Satan’s deception does not end when tragic events occur. He is also a master of offering solutions based on human philosophy and traditions. He […]