Modern culture has an aversion to pain. But if avoiding pain becomes a parent’s bottom line, peace and hope are lost! Consider Hebrews 12:11: For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. There are three important parts to this verse. First, discipline is painful rather than pleasant. Discipline is meant to highlight the unpleasantness of sin. Discipline, must not be confused with retribution. A child ought to be motivated to avoid discipline. It is important that parents respond with pleasant, even words in the course of discipline. This is because it is pleasant words, and not anger, that promotes instruction (Proverbs 16:20-24). Second, […]
Monthly Archives: July 2015
The possibility of terror has the potential to be a distraction in your worship of God. Whether on foreign soil or domestic there are those who are dedicated to seeing Americans struck down. Their objective is to create terror in the hearts of Americans. To some extent this objective is being reached. There was another sad, tragic reminder of the evil of terror in Chattanooga, just days ago. There is every indication that the desire of jihadists is to create as much fear as possible in our land. How can we, as Christians, be an encouragement to those overwhelmed by credible terror threats? We can start with Christ’s words to his disciples, whom he knew would have their lives threatened […]
Anger is a difficult sin. Like an ice-breaker pushing huge chunks of ice in all directions, anger leaves a trail of broken pieces in its wake. Broken chunks of ice are good thing. Broken pieces of life – not so much. Anger is often a response to injustice. With God this is good. His motives and reasons for anger are always pure and right. Your child’s anger is also often a response to injustice. But his motives and reasons are seldom pure and right. A young child thinks he has been wronged because someone else has his toy. A middle-schooler is angry because others are not kind to her. A teenager struggles with anger because of guilt as a result […]
The narrative of King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab in 2 Chronicles 18 provides insight into the dynamics of peer pressure. When you or your children yield to peer pressure you are, in effect, dividing your loyalties between God and man. This double-mindedness simply does not work. It results in decision making that is foolish. Many sins that young people become entangled with begin when they yield to peer pressure. This story of King Jehoshaphat demonstrates that young people are not the only ones susceptible to this problem. Jehoshaphat should have realized that forming an alliance with Ahab was extremely unwise, even stupid! When Jehoshaphat declared allegiance to Ahab he became more concerned with pleasing Ahab than pleasing God. To illustrate […]
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. Psalm 3:5 Here is a prayer by John Calvin that demonstrates the truth of Psalm 3:5. This prayer reminds us of just how intimately connected God is to our lives. Imagine consistently, night after night, asking God for strength to honor him, even in your dreams! Notice too, the peace that can come with acknowledging our sins each day knowing that we are forgiven in Christ. In this way, your conscience, along with your body may enjoy rest! “O Lord God, who has given man the night for rest, as you have created a day in which he may employ himself in labor, grant, I pray, that my […]
Young children sometimes know fear at night even if they are not sure what the darkness holds. Adults can also fear the darkness because they do know what may lay in wait. The answer for both is the wonder that is taught in Psalm 139. There is nowhere anyone can flee, physically or mentally, from the presence of God. God is there and he holds us securely in his right hand. This blessed reality makes even the darkness full of the light of our Savior. Live it before your children. Live life in the light of your Savior. He is always there! Psalm 139:7-12 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If […]
America has moved on from the Bible and its views of morality. Three “modern” substitutes have emerged to succeed the supposed outdated structure of biblical Christianity. Here they are: Public Opinion Public opinion has assumed the role of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. When politicians use phrases like “the will of the people” or “the American people want” they are typically referring to public opinion polls. Even the terms right and wrong are used subjectively, as in people feel something is right or wrong or this is wrong for America. These terms are seldom used in the absolute sense. Sexual preference or practice has become a matter to be decided by public opinion and personal choice. Biblical standards are ignored […]
Biblical Christianity is equated with hatred in this world. While God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and church are easily dismissed, Jesus Christ, the Savior, is a real problem in the world your children will inhabit. Redemption is said to come from within. So, you just forgive yourself for what you have done. But others will not see the need for soul-searching. Since we live in a world determined by evolutionary currents, there is nothing left but to go with the flow. In contrast, Jesus Christ means we are guilty and there is not a thing any human can do about it apart from the grace of God. Thus, your children will enter a world that has […]
Suppose you received mercy from God proportionate to the mercy you display to others. Not a comforting thought is it? Actually, it is a disturbing thought! But is it disturbing enough to result in repentance? Today is a day we set aside for corporate worship. You will praise God for his mercy. But will your praise result in you being more merciful? If if doesn’t then your praise will be empty and self-serving. God doesn’t call you to worship just so you can have a moving experience. He calls you to worship that leads to repentance. He calls you to be merciful as he is merciful. God’s mercy is a sign of greatness. Thus worship is a response to […]
Proverbs 16 provides wise instruction for establishing authority that will protect your children from the attacks of this world. Here are just some of the principals and their applications found in this fantastic chapter. Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. This is the starting point. The commitment indicated here is total. This verse is not to be thought of as an instant formula as in: Step one – commit my plan to God. Step two – success for my plan. The commitment mentioned here is one of giving your life totally over to God and his ways. This is not so much a single outcome as it as committing all of your life […]