Whether you realize it or not you are a worldview instructor to your children. The way you react and interact with your children communicates an understanding of how the world functions. This is a given. The question is: are you communicating a world-view that is accurate? The concept of worldview can get complicated. But at its root worldview is a basic, simple concept: how does the world you live in function. For example, are the events in life random or is there order to these events. Is there one person to whom all are accountable? The Bible makes it clear that God is the one that all people must answer to. This is the core component of any biblical worldview. […]
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Whatever you let into your heart will flow directly into the lives of those you love. If you guard your heart you guard those whom you love. If your heart is not guarded then you directly expose those closest to you to the evil attacks of the enemy. Proverbs 4:23 warns you to guard your heart: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. In other words the ideas, the images, the influences you allow to flow into your heart become the substance of what flows out of your heart and out of your mouth. Fathers and husbands are you winning the war of purity and sexual temptation? Mothers and wives are you overcome by discouragement […]
We are often surprised when our children become unhappy with their toys. It is easy to forget that toys are merely things, material things. In this sense we are often like our children. We are surprised when things don’t make us happy. The miscalculation of this age, of any age, is to look for hope without looking for God. A culture rich with material things is a culture that will be dominated by bitterness and disappointment. Why? Because things never satisfy. Ultimately, they will always disappoint. Your children can have a closet full of toys. You can have more things than you imagined. The result is the same. When you live for material things you measure happiness by what you can see, […]
The most impressive aspects of reality are those that are unseen. If your view of reality is limited to what you can see, your worship will be ill-informed. As you read pubic opinion polls, as you see election results, as you experience the actions of congress and the courts, as you see sexual purity mocked, it is tempting to think you are in the minority. However, such thinking is unsound. As Elisha said over 2,500 years ago, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha’s young servant was afraid. He was afraid because his understanding of reality was limited. Elisha prayed that the eyes of his servant would be opened […]
“This is where you must start in teaching your children about sex. Sex is not fundamentally a biological, physiological activity. Sexuality is a necessary aspect of God’s purpose for man to occupy and control the earth for the glory of God. (Genesis 1:26-28) All of the physiological phenomena that happens to the human body while engaging in sexual activity is expressly designed by God to remind husbands and wives that they have been called to unity, intimacy and procreation in their mission to have dominion over the earth. Sexual activity is designed for a man and a woman who are obeying God in marriage in order to bring honor to his name. The idea that sexual pleasure is designed merely […]
On July 4th, Americans celebrate their declaration of independence from England 239 years ago. While it might be good thing to gain independence from an overbearing government, it is wise to remember that independence from God is not only a disastrous desire – it is impossible! Regardless of laws, judicial decrees, and presidential orders, God can never be excluded from the course of any nation. Independence from God, whether as a nation or as an individual, is not consistent with reality. Those who think otherwise are on a collision course with the Lord of the Universe. Let us pray that for many this collision will be with gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what Isaiah says about the possibility of […]
Marriage is not of human origin. It did not evolve over time. Marriage became part of the human equation from the very moment of man’s creation. When Paul speaks of marriage as a one flesh relationship he says this refers to Christ and the church. Marriage is not an after-thought in man’s social development. Rather, it is designed to picture the relationship Jesus Christ has with his church. What does this mean for you as a parent? Simply this, as you live together as husband and wife you are to represent Christ and his church. Is this what your children see? This does not mean you are perfect! Just like the church is far from perfect each day, married couples […]
Psalm 73 is about someone who struggles with the question of what is good. The psalmist looks at others–at people who don’t care for God–and determines that they have what is good and he doesn’t. This realization brings him to the brink of despair. We end up in the same place when our lives are not centered on worship to God. The psalmist is particularly discouraged by the prosperity of the wicked (vs. 3). Psalm 1:3-4 says it is the righteous who should prosper and wicked are the ones that should suffer. So the psalmist trusts his own understanding and begins to doubt. That doubt turns into envy and bitterness. You can almost hear his cry of anguish: Surely in […]