Monthly Archives: August 2017

12 posts

Thoughts On Starting School

It is one thing to say that your children are a blessing to you and that you delight in them. It is another for them to actually believe this. How well children perform cannot be the basis of your acceptance. This is a particular challenge for parents and children as the school year begins. School is about performance.  Report cards and grades are the measure of success. There are tests to be taken and teams to tryout for. But evaluating performance is not the measure of a child’s worth. No child can bear the weight of thinking he has to measure up to a standard in order to be appreciated and have worth.  Academic pursuits are not a true measure […]

Life Is About Relationships

The most important part of our lives are our relationships. Relationships, whether good or poor, live on in the landscape of our minds. God made humans for relationships; they shape our perception of who we are and provide us with our sense of self-worth and purpose. Relationships are most fulfilling when they are rooted in the trinitarian God who is the source and model for all good relationships. God’s ultimate expression of relationship to people was to send his son, Jesus Christ, to show you and me what makes relationships work. When asked about what was the most important of all the things God commanded his people to do, Jesus answered simply and directly. Love God with everything that is […]