On the Cross, Jesus Tore the Curtain: Reconciliation Jesus took our place, facing the darkness of God’s judgment and wrath against our sins. Then, “Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom” (Mark 15:37–38) The Jerusalem temple had two veils—one that separated the rest of the temple from the Holy of Holies, the place where God’s presence dwelled, and another that separated the Court of Israel from the Court of Women and the Court of the Gentiles. There are good theological reasons for thinking either veil was the one torn. The curtain at the Holy of Holies makes sense given its symbolism (cf. Heb. 6:19; […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
Gift giving can be a dangerous activity, especially if you give gifts to yourself. I am not talking about the present under the tree that is labeled from you to you. I am talking about the gifts you give to others that are really meant for you. Let me explain. One example is giving a gift to someone for the pleasure of seeing how much you are appreciated. For example, you are feeling unappreciated by your child. You find a gift you think will please her and tip the scales back in your favor. This is where things get murky. You spent money on something you really could not afford, so that she would think you are wonderful. When your […]
“Merry Christmas” proclaims the joy of Christ’s birth. This is not just a pleasant remembrance or an occasion for the giving of gifts. The birth of Christ literally means healing and hope for our planet, (Psalm 98; Romans 8) and the people that God rescues by his grace. And the Christmas Proclamation, or Merry Christmas, was heralded throughout the universe; it was and is a cosmic event! (Ephesians 3:10) The birth of Jesus was proclaimed by angels erupting into the night sky above the fields of Bethlehem. The Roman Press was not there to record the spectacular happening. The Emperor’s News Channel was not there to bring live coverage of the most newsworthy event in human history. There were no […]
Dear Father, it’s busy in my life. Crowds are everywhere. My heart is busy, too many gifts, not enough money, not enough time. This month is supposed to be about Jesus. But even at church I feel more busy than thankful for his birth. There are people to see, events to attend. All of this is supposed to be about Jesus, but it feels more and more like it’s all about me. Jesus came to bring peace, but my life is full of stress. It’s too busy in my life. Father, please fill my heart with the wonder of your mercy. I ask for your Spirit’s comfort to know that in your Son I have all that I need. Overwhelm […]
Abiding in the Vine One of the most vivid and powerful illustrations for the believer’s union with Christ in all of Scripture is that of the vine and branches. Branches bear fruit only when they abide in the vine. So it is for believers: the only way we can glorify the Father with fruitful lives is by abiding in Jesus. This teaching is found in John 15, where Jesus continues to prepare his disciples for his imminent death and departure by instructing them about their calling and mission as his disciples, emphasizing their absolute dependence on him. As Jesus says in verse 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he […]
The Holy Spirit instructs you to teach the person of Jesus to your children. One reason our children turn from the church and our parental instruction is that we teach them about Christ and Christianity without teaching them to learn, to know, the person Jesus Christ. Look closely with me at Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Fathers are commanded not provoke their children to anger. This rules out severe discipline, harsh or arbitrary demands, abuse of authority, constant nagging, condemnation, and humiliation. Children are to be treated with respect and are not to be manipulated, exploited or crushed. This is no excuse for […]
Your enemy knows better than to present his real plan for what it really is. Subtle, clever deception is designed to keep you and your children from seeing the true ugliness of sin. Prepare your children for these attractive schemes. Biblical faith and love for God are the only real defenses for these deceptive tactics. For example: entertainment often uses humor to portray lust, adultery, jealousy, gossip, hatred, greed, etc. I’m not just talking about X-rated movies. “Light-hearted, fun” PG movies fit the profile as well. It so easy to be amused by behavior that God hates. We fall for the lie: “It’s no big deal, it’s just fun”? But what is presented as fun results in horrific outcomes in […]
Psalm 72 declares that God alone does wondrous things. How easily this truth is discarded! Since the Fall, the only hope of mankind has been the gospel and the gospel alone. Ultimately, the reason that you have electric light instead of candlelight is the gospel. The reason someone lets you into the next traffic lane instead of running you off the road is the gospel. The reason you can buy food instead of having to kill others for it is the gospel. Sound strange or naïve? Take a moment to consider the plight of all humans immediately after the Fall. When Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie, not only did spiritual death occur, but at that moment hope ceased to […]
Gratitude enables praise. Gratitude destroys self-pity. Gratitude is not compatible with envy. Gratitude softens grief. Gratitude is the fuel of joy. Gratitude is the soil that grows humility, Gratitude protects against sexual sin. Gratitude deepens your awareness of God. Gratitude is the soul of worship. Gratitude opens your eyes to grace. Gratitude repels pride. Gratitude is God’s will for you in Christ. Gratitude turns back your judgmental spirit. Gratitude calls you to serve instead of being served. Gratitude is the enemy of greed. Gratitude challenges you to love others instead of yourself. Gratitude will lead you to love Jesus more deeply.
Thanksgiving Proclamation [New York, 3 October 1789] By the President of the United States of America. a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.” Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday […]