These are troubling days. The wicked appear to have the upper hand. But the word of God assures us that things are not as they seem. King David wrote a song that was used in worship to remind God’s people that the wicked have limits. David says that the meek shall inherit the land. Some 1,000 years later Jesus quotes these very words as he begins the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was letting his followers know that even though they would face persecution God would not abandon them or his covenant commitment to do what is right. Christians are to use the weapons of the Spirit and not of the flesh. Here the weapon of the Spirit is meekness. […]
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Holding your head high is a good thing, something that the human spirit longs to do. At the same time the human spirit is also plagued with pride and self-importance. We want to be honored for who we are, but the tragic irony is that who we are is often less than honorable. We want to think well of ourselves regardless of how we choose to live. Thus we become offended or outraged that others do not honor our pride. It has been like this since Cain. Think about it. You want your children to honor and respect you. You want your spouse to value you. You want your work to be recognized and rewarded. You want your desires to […]
Here is an excerpt from Discipling the Flock, by Paul Tautges. This book lays a solid, biblical foundation for understanding the unique role of shepherds as they care for the people of God. Shepherd Press is thankful to offer this excellent resource to the church. “Authentic biblical shepherding requires a personal commitment to do all that is superhumanly possible to help fellow believers grow to maturity in Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by means of instruction and correction according to His power, which mightily works within the shepherd and his sheep by the Holy Spirit sent from God. God’s vision of discipleship, therefore, requires that we recognize this process as a stewardship from Him entailing intensive labor on behalf of […]
A father is a man who knows his life is not his own. A father is a man whose identity is formed by what God has called him to be. A father first and foremost protects, nurtures and loves. A father’s love is dominated by how he shows the beauty of Christ to his wife. A father’s love to his children is strengthened by his love to his wife. A father nourishes rather than punishes. A father defines sacrificial love for his family. A father knows the captivating power of a gentle, confident spirit. A father persuades through pleasant words and firm allegiance to truth. A father knows that love and discipline must not be separated. A father leads his […]
As Father’s Day approaches, families prepare to honor their fathers. For me, as a father, it is a time to reflect on the meaning of fatherhood. The Apostle Paul’s observation about fathering in 1 Thessalonians 2 is a good place to start. Paul observes that he had been like a father both by example and his instruction. As for his example, both the Thessalonians and God were witnesses of how holy, righteous and blameless he had been toward them. Holy refers to him in relationship to God; he was a devout, pious man, intent on pleasing God. Our families must see the integrity of walking with God. We will sin, but they must see a Dad who walks with integrity […]
If your children frequently praise God for the events that happen each day, you can know that a good foundation for life is being built in their hearts. However, If you hear your children frequently complain or grumble, they are becoming a slave to their own desires. This means there is trouble ahead. Sin feeds on the demand for immediate happiness and gratification. That is why a child can go from seeming bliss to outrage in an eye blink. One moment everything is fine. Then he sees his brother with a toy that he wants and he erupts with a howl that sounds like he is being tortured. Why? Because he doesn’t have what he wants, what he thinks he […]
Biblical Wisdom is knowing and understanding the truth, obeying the truth, and making decisions based on the truth. Wisdom helps you be more like Jesus in your actions, thoughts and attitudes, by loving God and your neighbor. Here are eleven examples of wisdom in action: Love is giving willingly of whatever I have to meet someone’s need. Humility is knowing that everything good in me is from God alone, and is not for my benefit first, but for serving God and others. I should not put myself first. Self-Control is the ability to say no to my wrong desires and yes to what God wants me to do. Patience is accepting problems without complaining, trusting that God will care for […]
Each year I repost the prayer President Franklin Roosevelt made for the success of the D Day invasion on June 6, 1944. President Roosevelt did not speak of many Gods or many faiths or many religions. He did not sheepishly lead the nation in a moment of silence, afraid that he might offend someone. Roosevelt knew that the fate of global civilization hung in the balance as tens of thousands of young soldiers stormed the beaches of France. If the invasion failed, there was no plan reliable B. So Roosevelt asked that the will of Almighty God be done. To him and to millions and millions around the world, the idea of seeking protection and victory from a moment of […]
Obedience is a great privilege, honor and joy. Obedience is not something to use to gain a reward. Obedience is the reward! No one can make himself more acceptable to God by obedience. This means that your children must not think that you will be more accepting of them if they obey you. I know this seems awkward. So much of your life is about training and teaching God’s truth. But the truth is that one’s own obedience does not make him acceptable to God. The last thing that I want is to stand before God at the end of the day and ask God to accept me based on how well I obeyed! My only hope for acceptance is […]
God has a role for you to play in illustrating the atoning power of the gospel. No, you have nothing do to with the sacrifice that Christ made for your sin. But, yes, you have an important part to play in defeating the impact of sin here on earth. Proverbs 16:6 demonstrates how you can show the beauty of the atonement: Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil. With these words Solomon reminds us of how important it is to live our lives in light of Christ’s sacrifice. By showing God’s special loving-kindness you participate in the application of atonement. You have the privilege of showing what God’s atoning […]