All In or All Out

The warrior was huge, ruthless, arrogant. His presence produced fear and anxiety. No one dared to challenge his strength and skill. Combat with him meant certain death. Goliath was a force that would not be denied. The mere thought of him meant sleepless nights and restless days.

Do you have any Goliaths in your life? You don’t have to be a warrior to encounter a Goliath. Is there a relationship that seems hopeless? Do you have fears about your kids? Are you a slave to lust? Does your anger seem unconquerable? You know what I am talking about. In your spiritual battles does it seem like that you are fighting with Goliath himself, where winning is not even a consideration?

The Holy Spirit has the answer for you. Both in Deuteronomy and in Matthew he says the focus of your life must be loving God with everything that you are and have. This is the path of faith and power. It is only with this clear focus that you can see God for the mighty warrior that he is. It is only with this vision that you see the Goliaths before you are no match for mighty rider on the white horse!

David was just a teenager, despised by his older brothers. But he got it right about the power and honor of God. When he saw this human killing machine mocking God, and taunting Israel’s army it was David who scoffed, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” When Goliath mocked David and threatened his life, David’s faith was not shaken. “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”

Do you come at your spiritual Goliaths in the name of God, the ruler of heaven and earth, or with your own fearful, weak abilities? Nothing less than being all in for God with all of your heart can defeat the personal Goliaths in your life. The army of Israel was filled with skilled leaders and warriors. But they looked only to their own abilities. Goliath was too much for them. But David got it. It was God who would deliver him and Goliath was no match for God.

God commands that you not worry. But still you worry because your spiritual Goliath is huge in your eyes and conversely this makes God small.

David’s response showed that he knew his God was the true living God. The others in the camp knew about God. They were willing to join his army. They enjoyed the benefits of the covenant and worship. But being all in, willing to risk their lives to live out their faith and fight Goliath, not so much.

David knew that there are only two choices: all in or all out. Be all in for your God!


Shepherd Press