
2441 posts

Heaven: The Ultimate Gift

This is the season of gifts. From Thanksgiving to Christmas giving gifts dominates much of our lives. If no gifts were given many businesses would fail, many hearts would be broken, many faces would be sad. God made us to be gift givers. We are made in his image and he is the greatest gift giver of all. Last night, as I was driving home around 10:30, the sky was clear. I turned south onto a road that cuts across a large open field. Low in the southeastern sky was a magnificent moon rise. The Moon and Venus hung in space in a stunning display shouting the wonders of God’s glory. This is but one example of the gifts God […]

God speaks to a world in chaos

Things were falling apart in Israel, the northern kingdom that followed the ways of Jeroboam. The worship of God had been exchanged for the worship of convenience. The truth of God was exchanged for the pleasures of the flesh. The prophets of the Lord were exchanged for the prophets of Baal. The practice of purity was exchanged for debauchery and lewdness. The word of God was exchanged for human desires. Sound familiar? God’s message to Israel 2,800 years ago is the same for you today. As Psalm 2 says, The Lord laughs at those who think they are in control. The corrupt rule of man has been replaced with the Prince of Peace. In a world falling apart, Christ is […]

Trusting Christ in the mess of life

Being a parent is a consuming vocation. The unexpected and unplanned for circumstances just seem to keep on coming. In this mess, Christ can become distant, your life experience resembles being drawn into a swirling vortex. In Psalm 73, the psalmist had become overwhelmed with the seeming futility of following God. Survival mode had become his norm. He, too, was caught in the vortex. He, too, was thinking, I just can’t do this anymore. But here is the reality that the crush of daily life can obscure—Jesus is right there with you in the middle of the clutter of your life! Trusting Christ in the mess of life is what gives stability to your soul. He has brought together all […]

December 8th: The Day After

Seventy three years ago yesterday God changed everything, everywhere. The day after is not remembered with the same clarity as the day it all happened. December 7th, September 11th are dates burned into our minds and hearts. December 8th and September 12th, not so much. On these days after reality set in. Lives were altered all over the planet. Life was now different, it would never be the same. However, the most important day after, from a human perspective, is the day after the birth of Christ. After December 7th and September 11th everything was uncertain. But unlike these two dates the day after the advent meant that everything was now certain and sure. God had fulfilled his promise to […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Jesus is the only constant in your life. What is only one thing in your life that you can count on? The faithfulness of Jesus Christ to carry out his Father’s will. Everything else is up for grabs. You and I may live as if there are other things that we can rely on, but to do so is foolish. Only God is faithful. It is what God does that matters. Like the disciples, we are often clueless about what matters in life. We forget that the only reliable relationship we have is the one we have with Christ. Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, […]

Humility and Awe

Humility and power are seldom connected. Humility is associated with peace, passivity and keeping a low profile. A humble person is not considered a person to be feared. When your kids are out of control, humility is probably not the first thing you pray for. In our culture humility does not inspire awe. All of these thoughts about humility might be widely held. But they all are wrong. The most courageous, loved, feared and hated man ever to walk the face of the earth described himself as humble. This man began his life on earth in a stable because there was no room for him anywhere else. But while his birth was ignored by people the heavens above erupted with […]

Merry Christmas and the Gospel

The first widespread usage of the greeting “Merry Christmas” apparently began in 1843 with the publishing of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. Not surprisingly, the greeting first appeared on Christmas cards that same year. The idea behind this phrase is that Christmas should be a happy, joyous time. When you wish someone a Merry Christmas, you are, in fact, offering a blessing to them. The blessing of forgiveness of sin. God filled the sky with his angels to honor the birth of his son. God commands the rivers and the hills to sing for joy at the Savior’s birth. So giving the blessing of Merry Christmas resonates with the purpose and actions of God! Psalm 98 was the basis of […]

Do You Give Gifts To Yourself?

Giving gifts can be a dangerous activity, especially if you give gifts to yourself. No, I am not talking about the present under the tree that is labeled from Dad to Dad.  I am talking about the gifts you give to your wife or to your kids or to others close to you. One example is giving a gift to someone for the pleasure of seeing how much you are appreciated. For example, things are a bit on the difficult side with your teenage son. You give him a new iPhone, thinking that he will be pleased with you. This is where things get murky. When your son (or daughter) is not overwhelmed with your gift, you are hurt. You […]

Caesar and Christmas

Roman emperors ruled with unquestioned authority. Their word was enough to upend the lives of people all around the ancient Mediterranean world. Like most leaders in history, Caesar Augustus gave no thought that his orders would serve the purposes of the living God. Caesar wanted to record the vastness of his empire. So he decreed a census be taken. He had no clue his orders would bring about the fulfillment of biblical prophecy; that his decree would serve the eternal decree of the true King. God’s ways are not our ways. Things are not as we think. 2,000 years ago it was not evident that Caesar’s order would result in the first Christmas. As Nebuchadnezzar realized no one can hold […]

Christmas Light

The darkness of the world is total. When you are overcome by anger, resentment, bitterness, despair there is no light – only darkness. God has something better for you. People who are walking in darkness will see a great light. Light is the great promise of the Christ-child. As Isaiah proclaims, it is God who turns darkness into light. Take time to remind your children and yourself that life without Christ is deep, utter darkness. May God grant you faith to live by the light and turn from darkness. May the light of Christ shine in the dark, troubled places of your heart. Rejoice! The light of Christ has come. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; […]