Whether you watch the Super Bowl or not this annual spectacle tells you a great deal about the world your children inhabit. Proverbs 7 speaks a father looking out his window at the culture around him. This father used the view from his window to instruct his son about the dangers of life. The window of your television can afford you the same opportunity and obligation. This is much to learn about our culture from the game’s commercials. This year, 2017, these commercials cost 5.5 million dollars for a 30 second spot, and that does not include hundreds of thousands more for the production costs! The sponsors also spend a considerable amount of money and resources to learn what motivates […]
Current Events
Every four years, as Americans, we have the privilege of seeing God’s faithfulness displayed in the transition of the executive office of President. Four years ago, God made Barack Obama once again to be the President of the United States. Tomorrow, January 20th, if things go as planned, Donald Trump will also be made President by the power of God. These two men are radically different individuals. But they have this one thing in common, they each serve at the pleasure of the God of heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit makes this clear in places like Daniel 2 and Colossians 1:15-20. Here are Daniel’s words: “Then Daniel praised the God of heaven. He said, “Praise the name of God […]
As I write this post the winter and summer solstice is occurring. At 5:44 a.m. EST the sun will shine directly over the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. Summer officially begins for the Southern Hemisphere and Winter begins for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. December 21st, marks both the longest and shortest day of the year. The reverse will happen on June 21st. Why is this important? Because God made a promise to Noah that the seasons will continue on our planet for as long as it exists. And, this exact moment is proof that God keeps his word. By the time this post is finished the Sun will have ceased it southward journey and begun […]
Just because politicians, the press, educators, and world leaders believe that God is subject to their laws, opinions and op ed articles does not change reality. The reality is that the Living God of the Bible, the Lord of the heavens and earth is in charge of the affairs of men. The idea of Jesus Christ being the only Savior of people is repugnant to many. The truth that God rules over man and has commanded how he should live and marry is even more outrageous in our progressive world. The wonder of the Holy Spirit putting the thoughts of God in written form in a book called the Bible is offensive to folks who say truth is where you […]
This past week, Cubs fans across the country were aglow with joy over the World Series victory. There was light in their eyes! How many things bring light to your eyes? One of those things should be the Bible, specifically the commands of the Bible. The psalmist describes it this way: The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8 This is stunning – God’s commands bringing joy to the heart and light to the eyes. Is this your experience? Are God’s commands radiant to you? This week there was no difficulty in identifying “Cubbies”, they were easy to spot. But finding people […]
After all the maneuvers, plots, polls and intrigue, next week God will raise up his choice to be president. Daniel 2:20-21 and Colossians 1:15-20 make this much clear. You will then be commanded by the Holy Spirit to be in thankful prayer for his choice whether you voted for the winner or not. God has work for his people to do. Because he is the one raises up and disposes human leaders as he pleases there is nothing that will be happen in this election that will prevent you from following Christ. Your job remains the same: be a light for the gospel! If you want to have a positive impact on the next election, begin to live out the […]
Hurricane Matthew is going to Florida. Millions are evacuating their homes as Hurricane Matthew, predicted to be a category 4 at landfall, advances towards the Florida east coast. The storm is forecast to bring damaging winds and a devastating surge of water all along the Florida, Georgia and South Carolina coasts. Millions more will lose power for days and possibly much longer. Human lives are at stake. Matthew will not be ignored. The President has urged people to take whatever steps are necessary to protect themselves. The governors of Florida and South Carolina have declared a state of emergency and have taken aggressive measures to prepare for Matthew. All of this is good and necessary. But no government leader, so […]
This morning, millions along the southeastern coast of the United States are asking this question, “Where will Matthew go?” Matthew is, of course, the Category 4 Hurricane currently devastating portions of Haiti and Cuba. Even as watches have been posted for the Florida east coast, the question remains — is the path of this storm random, totally subject to shifting patterns of low and high pressure? Are we watching nature roll the dice in a deadly game of chance? This is the view expressed if you watch the unfolding drama displayed on the 24/7 news cycle. Yes, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) provides sophisticated forecasts, but if you listen carefully, sophisticated forecasts means sophisticated guesswork. This is not to fault […]
Low-tech terrorism is an ugly, cowardly, but effective means to bring fear to many. It represents a threat to families going about their daily activities. And, of course, it is designed to be unsettling to your children. What do you tell them? How do you ease their fears? God continues to be your refuge and your strength, even in times of trouble and uncertainty. He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He knows your children’s most intimate thoughts and fears. He controls the acts of men, even the awful deeds that are done. This is how he works all things for good for his people. Here is a prayer for you and your children that will encourage […]
Fifteen years ago September 11th became a date that will be etched in history. Planes striking the twin towers, the courage of first responders rushing towards the smoking buildings, the dramatic collapse of each tower — terror on American soil became a fearful and lasting remembrance. But is there something to be feared more than these haunting images? The answer is yes. 2,000 years ago Jesus warned his disciples that they had more to fear than those who would persecute them and kill them. There was an even greater enemy that they would face. It was the enemy of their souls: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can […]