
120 posts

Mary, An Ordinary Girl

Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, unexpectedly came face-to-face with the angel Gabriel. Mary was a young woman, quite possibly a teen-ager. To say that she was startled and taken aback would be a huge understatement. But Gabriel comforts her and then with a few spoken words turned her life upside down. She was going to become a mother. She was told her child would grow up to take the throne of King David and that his kingdom would have no end. This was not an ordinary conversation. Gabriel was no ordinary visitor. Her baby would not be an ordinary son. Mary, an ordinary young woman, a sinner saved by grace, was troubled and confused and afraid as any woman […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Clear the way for the Lord. The Lord has come and he will come again. Christmas marks the beginning of the end. The end of: Greed, Selfishness, Bigotry, Racism, Oppression, Immorality, Secularism, Corrupt leaders, Abuse, Anger, Hatred, Suffering, Heartbreak. Someone is saying, “Wait a minute! Haven’t you seen the news.” Yes, I have. But there is news that is better than what is on the cable, network or internet. It was announced in the heavens 2,000 years ago. The items on this list have been defeated by Jesus Christ. The good news is that the Lord will make his way through the spiritual wasteland of our planet. He makes a certain promise that one day there will be no more […]

Happy Holidays – Why?

Happy Holidays is the sensitive, politically correct, caring greeting to offer from Thanksgiving Day until Happy Holiday Day. After Happy Holliday Day then it is fine form to actually say Happy New Year. No one seems to be offended at the prospect of celebrating parties, drunkenness and the fleeting hope that next year will be better than this year. Of course saying Happy Thanksgiving is becoming problematic because someone might think you are thankful to the God of the Bible. Thus, to avoid to avoid confusion, giving offense and a possible lawsuit it is just easier to say Happy Holidays. Therefore, to offer a truly happy, non-offensive greeting all you have to do is to avoid the mention of anything […]

Heaven: The Ultimate Gift

This is the season of gifts. From Thanksgiving to Christmas giving gifts dominates much of our lives. If no gifts were given many businesses would fail, many hearts would be broken, many faces would be sad. God made us to be gift givers. We are made in his image and he is the greatest gift giver of all. Last night, as I was driving home around 10:30, the sky was clear. I turned south onto a road that cuts across a large open field. Low in the southeastern sky was a magnificent moon rise. The Moon and Venus hung in space in a stunning display shouting the wonders of God’s glory. This is but one example of the gifts God […]

Do You Give Gifts To Yourself?

Giving gifts can be a dangerous activity, especially if you give gifts to yourself. No, I am not talking about the present under the tree that is labeled from Dad to Dad.  I am talking about the gifts you give to your wife or to your kids or to others close to you. One example is giving a gift to someone for the pleasure of seeing how much you are appreciated. For example, things are a bit on the difficult side with your teenage son. You give him a new iPhone, thinking that he will be pleased with you. This is where things get murky. When your son (or daughter) is not overwhelmed with your gift, you are hurt. You […]

Caesar and Christmas

Roman emperors ruled with unquestioned authority. Their word was enough to upend the lives of people all around the ancient Mediterranean world. Like most leaders in history, Caesar Augustus gave no thought that his orders would serve the purposes of the living God. Caesar wanted to record the vastness of his empire. So he decreed a census be taken. He had no clue his orders would bring about the fulfillment of biblical prophecy; that his decree would serve the eternal decree of the true King. God’s ways are not our ways. Things are not as we think. 2,000 years ago it was not evident that Caesar’s order would result in the first Christmas. As Nebuchadnezzar realized no one can hold […]

God and Black Friday

Much planning goes into preparing for a successful Black Friday. Cash flow is carefully monitored. Credit limits are pushed to the max. Intricate strategies for timing and storage of products are worked and reworked. The stress levels are high. Did you think I am referring to the business plans of retailers? Ah, no. Actually, I am talking about the plans of the average American shopper. The Thanksgiving Dinner becomes a fading mirage as the execution of a successful Black Friday shopping trip takes center stage. Black Friday is about spending the least amount of money to gain the most amount of gifts. This is the strategy of “smart” shoppers. Just one question. How much is God involved in your planning? […]

Memorial Day

Dad & Winston Churchill My father served as an officer in the U.S. Navy in World War II. Winston Churchill served as Prime Minister of Great Britain. My father served in the Pacific Fleet. Great Britain is in the Atlantic. My father earned the respect of the 120 men he led as skipper of his warship. Churchill earned the respect of hundreds of millions with his brave leadership against the Axis powers. My father admired Churchill. Churchill never knew that my father existed. “So,” you might be asking, “why is this article is titled the way it is?” In the providence of God Winston Churchill made a decision that impacted my father’s life. Churchill was concerned about how Allied Forces […]

Are You Santa’s Helper?

Your children know everything about you. They see when you are sleeping, they know when you have been good or bad, they know when you pout and when you shout. In the midst of the turmoil of life your children know whom you delight in. Your kids know all of this without you ever having to say a word. When you stumble and ask God for help — they learn. When you stumble and snap or make excuses — they learn from that, too. If you value your relationship with God above all else, your children will know this, even when you fall short of your calling as a Christian parent. What does this have to do with being Santa’s […]

The wonders of his love

Verse four of “Joy to the World” completes the biblical worldview contained in this Christmas hymn. This last verse is a dynamic testimony to the power of the gospel. The King who was anticipated in the first verse, celebrated for his rule in the second verse, and viewed as the Savior of this sin-cursed world in third, now is proclaimed as the One who will bring a just judgment to this broken world.  Are you discouraged by the corruption in the world? You need not despair at the apparent inequities of life! What a wonderful peace flows from the reality that King Jesus rules with truth and grace. The awesome might of God is proclaimed. He will make the nations […]