
159 posts

Ignore Your Inner Defense Attorney

My friend Paul Tripp writes that becoming our own defense attorney is a dangerous and destructive practice.  In less formal language Paul is warning about becoming an excuse maker.  These are the words of a defense attorney in action: • “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be angry.” • “I guess I’m just tired.” • “He was mean to me.” • “If you were just a little nicer, it would be a lot easier.” • “Being inside because of the weather makes me cranky.” • “It wasn’t my fault, I’m just not feeling well.” Whether these words come from you or your children they are the words of excuse making, defending ourselves from our own shortcomings and sins. Excuse making […]

Authentic Biblical Shepherding

Here is an excerpt from Discipling the Flock, by Paul Tautges. This book lays a solid, biblical foundation for understanding the unique role of shepherds as they care for the people of God.  Shepherd Press is thankful to offer this excellent resource to the church.  “Authentic biblical shepherding requires a personal commitment to do all that is superhumanly possible to help fellow believers grow to maturity in Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by means of instruction and correction according to His power, which mightily works within the shepherd and his sheep by the Holy Spirit sent from God. God’s vision of discipleship, therefore, requires that we recognize this process as a stewardship from Him entailing intensive labor on behalf of […]

The Human Side Of the Gospel

God has a role for you to play in illustrating the atoning power of the gospel. No, you have nothing do to with the sacrifice that Christ made for your sin. But, yes, you have an important part to play in defeating the impact of sin here on earth.  Proverbs 16:6 demonstrates how you can show the beauty of the atonement: Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil. With these words Solomon reminds us of how important it is to live our lives in light of Christ’s sacrifice. By showing God’s special loving-kindness you participate in the application of atonement.  You have the privilege of showing what God’s atoning […]

Video: Brian G. Hedges — How does the doctrine of union with Christ help us?

In this video, author Brian G. Hedges talks about how the doctrine of union with Christ helps us as believers. With Jesus takes us on a tour through Jesus’ life to show us how we can find our place in the story of Christ. Christianity is not a only a faith founded on facts, but also a deeply personal experience of God’s transforming grace in Christ. While our hope is rooted in history—the events of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension—the Scriptures also teach that every believer is included in these events. From the manger to the cross, from the empty tomb to his glorious throne, Jesus acted for us. And the mystery and wonder of the gospel is that […]

Sawdust & Self-righteousness

Jesus was a carpenter. Specks of sawdust were part of his life. Jesus was also the most extraordinary communicator in all of human history! He used words with the skill and grace of the ultimate master woodworker. His masterfully crafted word pictures connected his hearers to everyday life. This is exactly what he does in Luke’s gospel when he uses the common elements of his carpenter’s life to connect to my life and yours. Here is what Jesus says: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when […]

Video: Brian G. Hedges — Does Jesus teach his disciples about union with Him?

In this video, author Brian G. Hedges explains how Jesus taught his disciples about union with Him. With Jesus takes us on a tour through Jesus’ life to show us how we can find our place in the story of Christ. Christianity is not a only a faith founded on facts, but also a deeply personal experience of God’s transforming grace in Christ. While our hope is rooted in history—the events of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension—the Scriptures also teach that every believer is included in these events. From the manger to the cross, from the empty tomb to his glorious throne, Jesus acted for us. And the mystery and wonder of the gospel is that we are crucified, […]

Guest Post: How We Share in Christ’s Glory — Brian G. Hedges

The disciples saw Jesus transfigured and then crucified before their very eyes. They may not have caught on as the events unfolded, but they soon understood—as we can also now—that Jesus’ path to glory was marked by suffering. What seems less clear is how we get to share in his glory. How exactly does that work? The Scriptures give us good warrant for asking this question. Paul describes Christians as those who “rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Rom. 5:2c) and assures us that “When Christ who is [our] life appears, then [we] also will appear with him in glory” (Col. 3:4). God has called us to his kingdom and glory (1 Thess. 2:12). Jesus prayed that his […]

Humility: Helpless As a Newborn Baby

No one accomplishes anything apart from the express will and plan of God. We seldom think of God with that amount of reach and power into our personal lives. However, James gets it right when he says: Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-15) This is why humility is not a popular idea […]

Patience Is Not Natural

We often refer to patience as something that we can lose – as in “you are really causing me to lose my patience.” But how would it sound if you were to say “you are really causing me to lose my love for you?” If love is patient, then “losing” patience can be equated to losing love. Said this way the idea of losing patience is not a pretty one. Have you ever said something like this to your kids? “Sorry I was upset. You know that I love you, but I am just so frustrated right now!” The words, “I love you,” are buried in the middle of this defense of angry behavior. They may well be familiar words. […]

A Clothing Makeover for a New Year

2018 is just hours into its existence. Talk of resolutions for the coming year is everywhere. This new year, why not forget about resolutions and go for a clothing makeover! Don’t worry, this new set of clothes won’t break the bank. In fact, it won’t cost you anything, except your pride! What store offers this kind of makeover? This makeover is not about physical clothing. These new clothes are fashioned by the Holy Spirit. Putting them on will change the way people look at you and make you a more attractive person! They will do more to enhance your appearance to others than any piece of material clothing could ever do. They will never go out of style or wear […]