
270 posts

Anger, a sign of weakness

I was reminded today that human anger is a sign of weakness. Just to be clear, I understand there are times for righteous anger. We could all stand to experience more of this type of anger. But this post is not about righteous anger. It is about the anger that deceives, that makes you think your anger is justified.  So when a child, a teenager, a spouse, or a coworker crosses an arbitrary line we feel totally justified by an angry response. Our flesh screams unfair! Angry words of self-defense and accusation flow freely from our lips. This sort of language and rationalization will receive a hearty amen from the Satanic cheering section. We think we have been strong, when […]

Wisdom: It’s Not Natural

What does wisdom look like today? Here are some basics about biblical wisdom that will help in this search. No one is born wise. The first prerequisite for being wise is to come to saving relationship with Christ. Wisdom comes from a diligent and relentless pursuit of wisdom. Therefore, the pursuit of wisdom is not natural or easy. Wisdom cannot be learned apart from the fear of God. Biblical wisdom is unlike anything that can be achieved by human effort. Your children will be dominated by worldly thought until they desire God’s wisdom. The Beatitudes and the fruit of the Spirit describe what wisdom looks like. When these qualities are pursued as if it were buried treasure, out of a […]

Kindness is not about equal time

If you interpret kindness as simply giving the other child the first turn with a toy, you have missed the essence of kindness. Sharing toys so that both can have equal time with a toy is not, by itself, biblical kindness. Sharing this way may result in a more pleasant day, but what will the child really be taught?  Could she be learning, “If I am kind I will get what I really want. My brother won’t fuss, I get to play with the toy, and Mommy is happy with me for being kind.” This is a recipe for teaching selfishness. This child is being trained in a subtle form of self-service masquerading as kindness. Her kindness is not sacrificial; […]

God’s weapons – different than ours

These are troubling days. The wicked appear to have the upper hand. But the word of God assures us that things are not as they seem. King David wrote a song that was used in worship to remind God’s people that the wicked have limits. David states that the meek shall inherit the land. Some 1,000 years later Jesus quotes these very words as he begins the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was letting his followers know that even though they would face persecution God would not abandon them or his covenant commitment to do what is right. Christians are to use the weapons of the Spirit and not of the flesh. In this case the weapon of the Spirit […]

Humility, how quickly we forget

No one accomplishes anything apart from the express will and plan of God. We seldom think of God having that amount of reach and power into our personal lives. This is why we forget the importance of humility – we think we can take care of ourselves. In reality, such a notion is stupidity in action. Ruth Younts, in her book, “Get Wisdom!” defines humility this way: “Humility is knowing that everything good in me comes from God alone, and is not for my benefit first, but serving God and others. I shouldn’t put myself first.” This is why your children are born hating humility. Their only desire is to put themselves first. This is why adults hate humility. We […]

Three ways to make wisdom attractive

Here are three things that go hand-in-hand with presenting wisdom as a blessing: First: listen before you speak. To be a good listener you must be able to repeat the words you hear back to the speaker in such a way that he can affirm that you really do understand what was said. You don’t always have to agree, but you must always understand. This attentiveness shows respect, first for God and then for your child. It also indicates that you view your authority as a trust given to you so that you can be a servant. Answering quickly, without fully understanding the intent of the words you hear, shows a lack of concern for others and, according to Proverbs, […]

Anger is not your friend

Anger: sometimes it just feels right. When your husband is insensitive, when the kids are selfish and squabble constantly, when your wife is disrespectful, anger stands ready to come to your defense. When others are not helpful anger is there to encourage you. When your pride is wounded, anger offers its healing power of retribution. But when anger is embraced, God is cast aside. But what about righteous anger? That’s always the trap. Paul says in Ephesians 4:26 that in your anger you should not sin. So, since it is possible to be angry and not sin, it easy to welcome anger like a friendly ally when others sin against us. But Ephesians 4:26 is not all that Paul has […]

Wisdom without passion is not wisdom

Biblical wisdom is designed to transform lives. As the Proverbs teach, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom. Wisdom is not neutral or passive. Wisdom thrives on passion and love for God. Take this example from Joseph’s life. The woman provocatively grabbed Joseph’s clothing with such force it was clear that only one thing was on her mind. Joseph’s response was also swift and passionate. He tore himself away, leaving her holding on to his cloak. Such a passionate response is not simply an academic decision. Joseph’s response was like Job’s. Job feared God and shunned evil. Wisdom driven by passion protected Joseph. This same dynamic is true for your children. If there is […]

Joy, the special gift of the Spirit!

Only the unique work of the Holy Spirit can bring the wonder and endurance of joy to human experience. Take a moment and consider how special true joy is. This is the joy you want your children to learn and live. Don’t settle for momentary pleasure. Cry out to God for joy that is everlasting! Joy has to do with the reality of God. Joy transcends the moment and extends into eternity. Joy does not fade but endures. In our deepest sadness we are rescued by joy. Joy alone makes sense of the pain of life. Joy is the certain knowledge that what is unseen is more than what is seen. Joy is the fuel of hope. Joy means your […]

Patience: the art of not judging God

A judgmental spirit towards people is a dangerous thing. It leads to doubt, mistrust and broken relationships. But there is another form of judgment that is far more destructive: the practice of judging God. When you begin to question God’s faithfulness, when circumstances are not what you wanted, you are actually judging God. When your general response to life is that life is a bummer or that life stinks, you are judging God. Why? Because the Holy Spirit says that God is causing all the events in your life to be a good thing for you. So, when you look at life and fail to see God’s goodness, even  in the painful things, you are judging God. You are critiquing […]