World View

68 posts

God’s Eclipse

NASA says that there are at least 2 or 3 eclipses of the sun every year and 2 total eclipses every 3 years. But this one is huge because so many people will be in the path of totality as it crosses the United States. What are you to make of this cosmic display? Beyond the unique setting and the wonder of the eclipse, the most important story that this eclipse tells is God’s story. God asks Job a question that at once reveals Job’s limitations and God’s infinite power: Where does light come from, and where does darkness go? Can you take each to its home? Do you know how to get there? (Job 38:19-20) This is a profound […]

Why Your Kids Are Followers

God designed people to be followers, specifically followers of him. So, by design, being a follower is a good thing. But, when Adam fell, man’s good inclination to be a follower became a dangerous human trait. Instead of being exclusively locked on to trusting and following God, people became open to following what seemed most attractive to them. This means that your children, even the strong-willed ones, are born followers. But instead of naturally following God, their hearts are programed to follow anything but God. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Said another way, your children are born to be influenced. With regard to influence, quantity matters. It is not who says it first or best. What matters is who says it most. This […]

Independence Day

On July 4th, 241 years ago today, 56 men representing 13 British colonies met in Philadelphia and signed a document that proclaimed the independence of those colonies from British rule. Britain was not pleased with the Declaration of Independence. This resulted in seven years of war. A new nation was born. Freedom always comes with a heavy price paid in blood. Maintaining freedom also demands the sacrifice of blood and treasure. In human terms, America’s independence will only remain as long as her people are willing to pay the price of blood and treasure. The declaration, signed over two centuries ago, also acknowledged, even if imperfectly, that freedom is not granted by people but by God. Self preservation cannot be […]

A Soft-Hearted Teenager

The story of Josiah is full of drama and adventure. Most importantly, his story is about an intense passion for the honor of God and his word. Josiah knew that evil and good cannot coexist. For almost a 1,000 years Judah had tolerated false, detestable religious worship and practice. That all ended with Josiah, the soft-hearted teenager. Josiah was 8 years old when he became King of Judah. As Josiah grew his heart for God grew as well. In his youth, Josiah took a strong, passionate, and even shocking approach to the evil that dominated Judah. The prophetess Huldah provides insight into what drove Josiah to undertake the radical and violent steps against God’s enemies. In 2Kings 22:18-19 she said this […]

Have a Good Day

“Have a good day.” You hear all the time, perhaps it is a phrase you use. However, what do you mean when you wish someone a good day? Do you mean that you hope nothing bad happens that day? If you are honest, you have to admit that it is at best an uncertain wish. Bad things happen to people everyday. So, saying have a good day is an iffy proposition. Perhaps you mean good in terms being happy. The same problems apply. There is much in life that doesn’t qualify as happiness. Therefore, wishing someone a good day appears to be a less than certain expectation. For example, you tell your child to have a good day. And then […]

When the Fear of God Departs

It is natural for men to fear God and stand in awe of him. When Nineveh was confronted with their sin by Jonah, repentance swept through the great city. The vast power and splendor of God is declared daily by the wonder of creation. The psalmist speaks of how the power and wrath of God should naturally be feared by all of nations of earth: Surely your wrath against men brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained. Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them; let all the neighboring lands bring gifts to the One to be feared. He breaks the spirit of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth. (Psalm […]

All In or All Out

The warrior was huge, ruthless, arrogant. His presence produced fear and anxiety. No one dared to challenge his strength and skill. Combat with him meant certain death. Goliath was a force that would not be denied. The mere thought of him meant sleepless nights and restless days. Do you have any Goliaths in your life? You don’t have to be a warrior to encounter a Goliath. Is there a relationship that seems hopeless? Do you have fears about your kids? Are you a slave to lust? Does your anger seem unconquerable? You know what I am talking about. In your spiritual battles does it seem like that you are fighting with Goliath himself, where winning is not even a consideration? […]

Human Outrage and God

The world is angry. One country attacks another. One religious movement is filled with rage for those not like them. One political leader wants more power than he has. Anger shapes of the dangers of our world, both foreign and domestic. However, there is a root cause to this anger that cannot be addressed by diplomacy, state departments and congress. This anger is directed at God and his rule over this planet and the hearts of people. In Psalm 2, the Holy Spirit asks the question and then gives us the answer: Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against […]

Are You Worth More Than Birds?

God says there is a particular order to life and that you are more valuable than birds. But many would say you, as a person, have no more value than other forms of life. For example: If random evolutionary process is the author of life then there is no purpose, except to survive. Since each living thing is simply a product of this process, one form of life is not more valuable than another. If the ancient eastern religions are right and God is not separate from his creation, then one life form is just as significant as the next, since God is in everything and is everything. Eastern mysticism and evolutionary thinking have become the dominant influence in western […]

Prayer for Our Leaders

War talk has moved from the speculative to the possible. And it appears that we are subject to the actions of human governments. While the governing authorities and leaders are important, we must not lose sight of the real center of power. The Apostle Paul instructs that we pray for governing authorities in this way:
 “…of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way…” (I Tim. 2:1-2). Why would Paul want to pray for intercession for the Caesar’s and their followers? At least one reason is that government leaders […]