
586 posts

Noah, a time of darkness

The movie Noah will be released tomorrow, March 28th, in the United States. We know little about the film apart from a few trailers and some early reviews. But, one thing we do know is what the Bible says about Noah. There is a Sunday School version of Noah’s life. However, this version often does not represent what God recorded in the Bible. The life and times of Noah were dark. If you think things are bad in the world today, things were worse, much worse in Noah’s time. Evil in men’s hearts was unrestrained. The animals had no natural fear of man and they along with all the earth were wicked. The wickedness became so great that the book of […]

Created to rule, created to win

God created the race of men to rule;  God created us to conquer the earth and rule over his magnificent creation.  From the moment of the Fall, however, the power and capacity that were originally a blessing, designed to provide purpose and honor for life, became corrupt. Men selfishly and cruelly began to exert their power over each other, enforcing their own rules rather than submitting together to the rule of God. Even so, this corruption should not detract from what God originally called (and still calls) us to do. God made and mandated mankind to rule! This is the mandate from Genesis 1:28:   “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the […]

Has your home become a stage?

In the 21st Century the home functions as a stage. Children are displayed, not protected. Children are exploited, not trained. Sinful behavior is accepted and defended. Parents live for their children and children live for themselves.    Today, children are to be accommodated. Too often, they become the center of family life. So instead of training children, our modern world tends to idolize them. Parents live for their children instead of for God. Children must be free to choose what they want to be. Self-expression is the creed of the day, no matter how perverse that expression may be. It does not take long for children raised this way to become anything but enjoyable. Thus child abuse rises, broken homes […]

The New Cosmos – an animated rant against God

Fox and National Geographic Channels have combined to create a remake of the old Carl Sagan TV series, “Cosmos.” This new series is anything but fair and balanced. The writers of the new Cosmos make it clear they believe there is no explanation, other than evolution and random chance, for the origins of life and the universe. They are certainly free to think that way. However, the new Cosmos is not just promoting a particular view of science. The show is actively targeting and mocking Christians and any belief other than theirs. The first program specifically went after various Christian beliefs as well as going after the Catholic church with derogatory, condescending comments. The second show portrayed the tree of evolution […]

Fearful Fathers, Angry Children

It is a challenge to patiently, lovingly, firmly confront a child who chooses to go his own way. For some fathers, it is easier to just ignore their children’s need for care and discipline. Other fathers also take an easy path by becoming angry and threaten severe consequences or engage in physical intimidation. These approaches do not honor God. They do not bless the child. These two damaging responses, indifference and anger, stem front the same root cause – fear. Fathers, are you listening? God created men to be confident, compassionate, caring leaders. But then, there was the fall. While Eve chose to verbally engage the serpent, Adam, who was with her, chose not to protect his wife. Instead, in fearful […]

Uncertainty & God’s control: A missing plane, an ambitious Russian & more

Where is Malaysian Airlines flight MH370? Will Russian President Vladimir Putin order the take over of all Ukraine? Will the health care debate be resolved? Will things stabilize in the Middle East? The world has once again stumbled into uncertainty.  The 24/7 news media is all abuzz with speculation and differing scenarios from expert and not so expert pundits. How does God fit it into all of this? Well, he does much more than fit it in. He is Lord of all of it.  Paul says that in Christ: “…all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before […]

God’s faithfulness in death

God determined to display his faithfulness in the form of cancer in the life of my wife, Ruth.  Last October, God demonstrated his faithfulness in calling Ruth home to be with him. In God’s gracious plan for Ruth he brought the most lethal type of brain cancer into her life – Glioblastoma Multiforme. The Lord severely restricted her ability to write and edit. Her short-term memory was impacted. This is striking because she was among the most literate and articulate of anyone that I have known.  Ruth fully understood that the skills that she most valued had been removed from her by the God that she loves. When she was troubled, she was comforted by knowing that God was actively, […]

Ukraine, your children, & a misinformed media

At this moment Russian troops are positioned around Ukraine. There is political upheaval and violence within the former member of the Soviet Union.  International tensions are high. Russian President Putin has declared that his country would be within its rights to use force if the need arises. Your children are hearing about these events.  What do you tell them? They will have questions or concerns or in some cases, fears that need to be addressed. One thing your children will not hear in the media coverage is who is really in control of this crisis. It is not President Putin or President Obama. It is not the United Nations, NATO, or the European Union.  Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, offered some […]

Long, Cold Days

Sometimes there are seasons of long, cold days. Night after night going to sleep is not a relief but a quick entrance into another cold day. Our bodies are weak and our hearts are overcome with struggles that break over us like unending waves. Yes, sometimes there are seasons like this.     In these times we long for another reality. And, in God’s mercy, such a reality exists. In an exhausted moment we glance towards heaven and cling to the great truth. God is there in that untainted place lit alone by his glory.  In that same moment we know that earth has nothing worthy of our desire except for the God who is there.   We are weak, […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Why do you worship?Jesus told the church at Smyrna that he knew of their suffering and poverty. He told them they would face prison. He encouraged them to remain faithful when they faced death. Christ did not promise any relief for their poverty and suffering. Christ offered no solution to his dire predictions except that he would give those in Smyrna life if they remained faithful.Suppose the words Jesus gave to Smyrna were read to your church this Lord’s Day morning. How would they be received? How would you receive them?Think carefully, love Christ deeply, and ask yourself again, why do you worship.