
586 posts

The wonders of his love

Verse four of “Joy to the World” completes the biblical worldview contained in this Christmas hymn. This last verse is a dynamic testimony to the power of the gospel. The King who was anticipated in the first verse, celebrated for his rule in the second verse, and viewed as the Savior of this sin-cursed world in third, now is proclaimed as the One who will bring a just judgment to this broken world.  Are you discouraged by the corruption in the world? You need not despair at the apparent inequities of life! What a wonderful peace flows from the reality that King Jesus rules with truth and grace. The awesome might of God is proclaimed. He will make the nations […]

America, we have a problem

Building a biblical worldview – part 3 This is the third post on Isaac Watts’ famous hymn “Joy to the World,” which is based on Psalm 98. The lyrics of this Christmas carol teach a biblical worldview. This carol should serve as yearly reminder of how God wants his people to think about the world they inhabit. The first component of this worldview has to do with the joyful anticipation of Christ’s rule. The second component encourages us to delight in the ongoing reign of our Savior. This third element tells us where the problems in our life and culture come from. We see this in the carol’s third verse: No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest […]

The Savior Reigns – building a biblical worldview – part 2

The second verse of “Joy to the World” builds on the theme of the first verse, where Isaac Watts anticipates the coming king. Now he exults in the reign of Christ. This also allows us to add the next foundation stone in constructing a biblical worldview based on this hymn. This truth is simple, yet profound – Jesus reigns, it is good. Here is the second verse: Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy… All that is good, noble, and excellent in life stems from the glory and goodness of God, not from any other source. If Jesus reigns, joy is the response […]

Joy to the World – a biblical worldview for your family

Worldview can be an intimidating topic to discuss, let alone teach to your children.  But this does not have to be the case. A biblical worldview is best presented by concepts that are clearly and easily grasped. Such is the case with the Christmas carol, “Joy to the World.” Let’s look at each of the hymn’s four verses and see how they combine to offer a compelling worldview that brings honor to God. The first verse focuses on the blessing that Jesus Christ has come to be our King. Isaac Watts’ Christmas carol, is one of the most beloved of all the Christmas hymns. The words to this hymn (at least the first verse), are known throughout the world. This […]

What if this is your last Christmas?

Suppose you knew that this Christmas would be your last one on earth. Would it make a difference in how you celebrated, in the gifts that you give, and in the meaning of the day?     The answer, of course, would be yes. But how would it play out in your life?   Well, let’s start with the likelihood of whether or not this will actually be your last Christmas. You can look at things from a statistical perspective and conclude that this will probably not be your last one. But the matter of the length of life is not determined by statistical probabilities. The time of life is set by the will and plan of God. (Psalm 139:16) […]

Why should you be thankful?

Thanksgiving is the one day in the holiday season about which there is no ambiguity. Store clerks, news anchors, strangers, teachers, pastors, flight attendants, TV commercials, sales people, even government employees can say Happy Thanksgiving without fear of offending anyone. Most everyone can offer some reason to give thanks. For the moment, at least, thanksgiving is not offensive in our culture.   Christians especially have reason for thanksgiving. Our sins have been placed on another so that we can know the Lord of the Universe. There is much to be thankful for. But the most basic reason for Thanksgiving is the goodness and mercy of God.   The simple truth is that if we were not commanded to give thanks […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Worship the God who holds your life in his hands.   There is perhaps no better reason to be in awe of God than to realize that he alone numbers the days of your life. Our lives are too often based on the premise that tomorrow will come. But tomorrow comes only if God has determined that it will. I have no guarantee or entitlement regarding tomorrow. Yet I find that I live as if I do. If I have a problem with someone I think if can fix it tomorrow. If my relationship with God is not what it should be, I think I can make it better tomorrow. If I need to change my priorities I can do […]

A moment of silence and JFK

Earlier today various ceremonies took place across the United States to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  These ceremonies culminated in a moment of silence to a god of the people’s choosing. If a participant in these ceremonies didn’t believe in God or in a god, that was okay too. For them, silence is only a gateway to oblivion and the politically correct ceremony would not offend their belief in nothingness. As a matter of fact, the moment of silence means that no one should be offended. Rather than acknowledge the existence of God, we just pretend he does not exist, or if he does exist,  that he won’t be bothered that we just choose […]

Moses’ Challenge – Choose Life!

Some 3,600 years ago, Moses delivered his final thoughts to the people of Israel. Among them were these words: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Each day you have a choice, you can follow the path of death or follow the path of life. Sound dramatic? […]

Veterans Day, Everyday

November 11th is day when our country officially acknowledges the commitment of those who have served in the military. Perhaps the singular point to remember in our appreciation is that all who have served or who are serving took an oath that could ultimately cost them their lives. This is what military service comes down to. By taking an oath there is a commitment to following an order that could lead to death. Anything less is not really a commitment. For making that commitment please accept my gratitude along with the gratitude of millions of other Americans.   Many of those who read this blog are from military families. Thank you for the commitment you all have made and are […]