This past week, Cubs fans across the country were aglow with joy over the World Series victory. There was light in their eyes! How many things bring light to your eyes?
One of those things should be the Bible, specifically the commands of the Bible. The psalmist describes it this way:
The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8
This is stunning – God’s commands bringing joy to the heart and light to the eyes. Is this your experience? Are God’s commands radiant to you? This week there was no difficulty in identifying “Cubbies”, they were easy to spot. But finding people who are lit up by the radiance of the Bible, not so much.
How important is the Bible to you?
Hebrews 4:12 describes the Bible as being living and active. You know that your children must trust the Bible and live it. But do your children see that these words of God are living and working in you? Do your children see the commands of God radiating in you? Are you as excited about Scripture as Cubs fans are about their victory?
What is it that gives light to your eyes and brings joy to your heart? This is a significant question, a question whose answer is at once disarming and revealing.
There is nothing wrong about being excited about the Cubs winning the World series once every 108 years! But there is something wrong if your eyes do not reflect the astounding radiance of the Bible.