Large storms and earthquakes tend to get our attention. But little winged insects are just an annoyance, but nothing to take seriously, like a hurricane. But of course that depends on where you live. If you live some place where malaria and yellow fever are prevalent then the winged insects are also attention-getters. In the U.S. mainland until recently mosquitoes have been mostly in the annoyance category. Then last May, a mosquito-born virus, Zika, known mainly in Africa and Asia unexpectedly arrived in Brazil. Since then, mosquitoes have been making headline news right along with hurricanes and earthquakes.
So what do mosquitoes, tropical cyclones and earthquakes have in common? They all serve at the pleasure of the Lord of heaven and earth. In some ways, it is a little easier to comprehend the hand of God directing a giant storm covering as much as a thousand miles in diameter than it is to think of this same God simultaneously directing the flight path of hundreds of thousands of mosquitoes! But if you think God is not in control of a tiny mosquito then your view of God is too small.
Jesus says that not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from God’s care. This same God names all the stars, controls the wind and waves and knows your most intimate, deep thoughts even before you think them. On a larger scale, Isaiah 40:15 reminds you of God’s greatness compared to people and governments:
Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket;
they are regarded as dust on the scales;
he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.
So when you read of fears about Zika, or storms or earthquakes, remember these are not random events. If they are not random, then what can you learn from them?
The message is clear but suppressed. Don’t mess with God!!
Man believes he can live and sin and be immune from the laws of God. After all, according the Supreme Court, our constitution says so.
The consequences of acting like God is a fictional character are not always immediate, but they are always present, always real. Life is snatched from unborn children. God’s direction for marriage is not only ignored but mocked. Prayer to the God of the Bible is illegal. Sexual purity is considered a social disorder. Just because the proverbial lightning strike seldom occurs our culture has come to believe it can live as it desires. Mosquitos, storms, and earthquakes are reminders that such thinking is foolish and deadly.
God will not be dismissed as easily as a court ruling saying his law is unconstitutional! God is not mocked. There is only one relief from mosquitos, storms, and earthquakes — the gospel!