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Free Indeed

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About the book - Foreword by Dr. Jay Adams
Every once in a while, a really wonderful book comes along. This is just such a book. Once you pick it up, you won’t be able to put it down.
In this book, Rich Ganz takes on one of the most important issues in the life of a Christian: freedom. In doing this, Dr. Ganz fills a void that desperately needs to be filled. There is nothing in print that has looked as carefully at this subject. It is a subject that touches every person on this earth. It is especially necessary in counseling, where enslavement is the norm. Every Christian counselor, indeed every Christian, should read this book.
Drawing from his almost thirty years of experience as a biblical counselor and pastor, Rich shows how Christians can have the freedom the Christ gives his people. You, like me, are going to find this book to be one of the most encouraging and helpful books you have read in a long time. If you read only one book on counseling this year, this should be it!
I worked with Rich for five years at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. During this time he demonstrated tremendous skill and insight as a biblical counselor. That same energy, passion, and concern comes through in his book.
I recommend this book as highly as I can! I am very glad that Dr. Ganz has provided this helpful and valuable tool for the desperately needy counseling ministry of the Christian church.
I am sure that God’s people will be incredibly blessed as they apply the applications of the principles in this book. Use it devotionally. Use it in Bible Study groups. Use it in Sunday Schools. In whatever way you use it, you will receive the blessing promised by Christ: "You shall be free indeed."
"The Apostle Paul exhorts us in Galatians 5:1 that Christians should stand firm in the freedom that they have in Christ. Yet anyone who is involved in pastoral ministry or counseling knows that many Christians are enslaved. In this wonderful book that commends itself to reading and rereading, Richard Ganz helps us explore and enjoy our freedoms in Christ."
—Dr. Tedd Tripp, author of Shepherding a Child's Heart
"Free Indeed aims to make us simply and boldly human. We don’t just need our heads filled with ideas and truths to profess. We don’t just need our wills exhorted with principles and strategies to do. We don’t just need our emotions fanned with stories and experiences to feel. We need the ‘give and give’ of a straight-on relationship with Jesus Christ. He gives himself to us in mercy, power, authority, and promise. We give ourselves to him in need, gratitude and joyous adoration. We give ourselves to others to live in the freedom of unsentimental love, clear conviction, and courageous honesty."
—Dr. David Powlison, Christian Counseling and Education Foundation
"Much is being said about freedom these days. Dr. Ganz, from his wealth of experience as a Christian counselor and pastor, gives a necessary Christian definition of freedom that is realistic, to the point, well-illustrated, biblical and much needed, specifically in light of the neo-pagan revival which claims it has the corner on 'liberation' and proposes life without limits."
—Dr. Peter Jones, author of The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back and Spirit Wars
"Liberty is a slippery word in the hands of moral relativists. Eighteenth-century France turned liberty into a bloodbath in the name of equality. Modern-day libertarians see liberty as sexual license. Freedom to choose has come to mean liberty to kill. In this much needed book, Dr. Richard Ganz shows us that true liberty is found in the broken bands of sins death-grip through the person and work of Christ. Rich is no sloganizer. His understanding of the Bible's message of liberty in Christ is deep and practical."
—Gary DeMar, American Vision
About the author
Dr. Richard L. Ganz practiced clinical psychology and taught at Syracuse University and the Upstate Medical Center complex before coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He then went on to receive theological training at Westminster Theological Seminary, and worked with Dr. Jay E. Adams at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. He is currently the senior pastor of a growing church in Ottawa, Canada. He is also president of the Ottawa Theological Hall, where he teaches biblical counseling. He lectures at universities, seminaries, and churches, and does numerous conferences internationally. He has authored several books including Psychobabble, The Secret of Self-Control, and Twenty Controversies That Almost Killed A Church.