Get Offa My Case! ebook

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Get Offa My Case! ebook

Get Offa My Case! ebook
Get Offa My Case! ebook

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Get Offa My Case! ebook

Model Number: SR62E
Author: Rick Horne
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781936908165

This book draws parents’ attention to their need to pursue and be satisfied with God’s glory, which in turn allows them to seek change in their teenager’s heart. It shows parents how to reestablish godly family leadership and helps them to find the joy of the Lord — even if their teen doesn’t change.
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About the book

This is a book about transformation — sometimes sooner and sometimes later — of an angry, defiant teen.

More immediately, though, it’s about transformation of that teen’s fearful, exasperated, and hurting parents. There is no silver bullet that will transform an angry teen into a respectful, responsible young adult. However, there is a God who can transform us, the way we parent, and the atmosphere we allow to develop in our home.

This book draws parents’ attention to their need to pursue and be satisfied with God’s glory, which in turn allows them to seek change in their teenager’s heart. It shows parents how to reestablish godly family leadership and helps them to find the joy of the Lord — even if their teen doesn’t change.

See also: Get Outta My Face: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens With Biblical Counsel, by the same author.


"This book opens up a whole new universe of parenting that finds its hope and practical direction in the glory, presence, promises, and grace of God. When you rest in these things, you can weather the storm of dealing with a rebellious teenager while responding in radically new ways to the trouble that God alone is able to still."
—Paul David Tripp, President of Paul Tripp Ministries, pastor, author, international conference speaker

"Rick Horne has crafted a book full of solid biblical advice and firm compassion. He counsels us neither to neglect nor to be overwhelmed by our teens, but to confront their decisions and conduct with fairness and consistency. I highly recommend this for any parent who wants to apply God-honoring, biblical discipline when dealing with an angry teen."
—Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis, Director, The Urban Ministry Institute, Vice President of Leadership Development, World Impact, Inc.

"Rick Horne has provided a helpful resource for parents struggling with a defiant teen. Rooted in Scripture and informed by personal experience, he offers wise counsel that leads us to Christ for grace and moves us in skillful ways towards the person with whom we have conflict."

—Dr. Tim S. Lane, President, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation

About the author

Rick Horne, M. Div. (Reformed Episcopal Seminary), M. Ed. (West Chester University), D. Min. (Westminster Theological Seminary) has over 30 years experience in Christian school guidance and counseling. Rick is the coordinator of the Graduate Concentration in School Guidance Counseling in the M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction major at Columbia International University. He is Chester, PA Site Coordinator and Academic Dean for The Urban Ministry Institute of World Impact, Inc. He is the author of Get Outta My Face: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens With Biblical Counsel.

Shepherd Press