Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage ebook

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Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage ebook

Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage ebook
Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage ebook

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Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage ebook

Model Number: LL23E
Author: Glenda Hotton
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420618

This ebook looks at God's idea of submission, defines what it does and does not mean, considers its implications in marriage, dispels lies, and ends with practical helps for application.
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About the book

The world's idea of a submissive wife is humorous at best. Yet God's idea is to give her the freedom to be the special person she was created to be. This ebook looks at God's idea of submission, defines what it does and does not mean, considers its implications in marriage, dispels lies, and ends with practical helps for application.

About the author

Glenda Hotton is a counselor, a professor of women’s issues, and a speaker for women’s groups. Her testimony is an example of God's sovereign grace to mend, fill, and use broken vessels for his glory.

Shepherd Press