Help! I’m a Single Mom ebook

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Help! I’m a Single Mom ebook

Help! I’m a Single Mom ebook
Help! I’m a Single Mom ebook

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Help! I’m a Single Mom ebook

Model Number: LL08E
Author: Carol Trahan
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420403

You probably never planned to be a single mom. You may feel confused, heartbroken, and overwhelmed. “Why has this happened?” you may ask yourself. “How will I cope? How will I pay the bills and raise my kids on my own?” This ebook, written by a single mom who wrestles with these challenges, will encourage you to trust God’s sovereign plan, knowing that his wisdom and love are perfect.
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Manufacturer: Shepherd Press
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About the book

You probably never planned to be a single mom. You may feel confused, heartbroken, and overwhelmed. “Why has this happened?” you may ask yourself. “How will I cope? How will I pay the bills and raise my kids on my own?” This mini-book, written by a single mom who wrestles with these challenges, will encourage you to trust God’s sovereign plan, knowing that his wisdom and love are perfect.

About the author

Carol Trahan (BS, MA) has been a widow and single mother since 1994. She currently lives in upstate South Carolina and is a frequent speaker at women’s conferences.

Shepherd Press