Help! I’m Depressed ebook

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Help! I'm Depressed ebook

Help! I'm Depressed ebook
Help! I'm Depressed ebook

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Help! I'm Depressed ebook

Model Number: LL16E
Author: Carol Trahan
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420526

Troubling thoughts flood my mind. I lie in bed alone, beseeching God on behalf of my three children. The tears come as I wonder why the Lord seems so far away and why prayers remain unanswered. Life seems so unfair. Why is it so hard? In the "depths of despair" I know I have a choice to make. Am I going to allow these feelings to destroy me?
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About the book

Troubling thoughts flood my mind. I lie in bed alone, beseeching God on behalf of my three children. The tears come as I wonder why the Lord seems so far away and why prayers remain unanswered. Life seems so unfair. Why is it so hard? In the "depths of despair" I know I have a choice to make. Am I going to allow these feelings to destroy me?

About the author

Carol Trahan (BS, MA) has been a widow and single mother since 1994. She currently lives in upstate South Carolina and is a frequent speaker at women’s conferences.

Shepherd Press