Help! My Friend is Suicidal ebook

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Help! My Friend is Suicidal ebook

Help! My Friend is Suicidal ebook
Help! My Friend is Suicidal ebook

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Help! My Friend is Suicidal ebook

Model Number: LL22E
Author: Bruce Ray
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420762

Suicide is not new, but its acceptability and even popularity are quite new. Statistics indicate that more than 101 people take their own lives every day. Yet a significant number of suicides are preventable provided help is available. This ebook will help you to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thinking and increase the possibility of giving hope to a suicidal friend before it’s too late.
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About the book

Suicide is not new, but its acceptability and even popularity are quite new. Statistics indicate that more than 101 people take their own lives every day. However, those who work in the field of crisis intervention also testify that a significant number of suicides are preventable provided help is available. This ebook will help you to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thinking and increase the possibility of giving hope to a suicidal friend before it’s too late.

About the author

Bruce Ray has been a pastor for 50 years and has also served as a Police, Fire & EMS chaplain for 30 years. He is a frequent speaker on crisis and trauma. Bruce is a graduate of Los Angeles Baptist College (now The Master’s University), the Reformed Episcopal Seminary, and Police & Fire Chaplains Training Academy.

Shepherd Press