Help! My Sibling Has a Disability ebook

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Help! My Sibling Has a Disability ebook

Help! My Sibling Has a Disability ebook
Help! My Sibling Has a Disability ebook

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Help! My Sibling Has a Disability ebook

Model Number: LL40E
Author: Dave Deuel
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633421998

Having a sibling with a disability raises unique challenges. This ebook, with its reminder that God makes no mistakes, seeks to come alongside you and offers biblical wisdom and practical suggestions for navigating through the different seasons of a sibling relationship.
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About the book

Having a sibling with a disability raises unique challenges. It can seem unfair, holding you back from doing the things other families are doing. Or perhaps you are required to step up in the absence of parents, and you feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. This ebook, with its reminder that God makes no mistakes, seeks to come alongside you and offers biblical wisdom and practical suggestions for navigating through the different seasons of a sibling relationship.

About the author

Dave Deuel, Ph.D, is Senior Research Fellow and Policy Advisor at the Christian Institute at Joni and Friends, and Academic Dean Emeritus, the Master’s Academy International. In addition to serving in seminary and pastoral ministry he also serves in advisory and policy roles for disability organizations including the State Council on Disability for California.

Shepherd Press