Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful ebook

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Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful ebook

Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful ebook
Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful ebook

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Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful ebook

Model Number: LL05E
Author: Mike Summers
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420199

You never dreamed this would happen, but you are reeling from the news that your spouse has been unfaithful. You don’t know what to do. The emotions you are feeling are intense. Betrayal, rejection, bitterness, despair—these turn your life into a lonely journey. This ebook can assist you as you navigate your way through this painful time.
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About the book

You never dreamed this would happen, but you are reeling from the news that your spouse has been unfaithful. You don’t know what to do. The emotions you are feeling are intense. Betrayal, rejection, bitterness, despair—these turn your life into a lonely journey. You stand at a crossroads: the decisions you make now will impact the rest of your life. Where can you turn?

This ebook can assist you as you navigate your way through this painful time. The perspective and hope offered here come from God’s Word. What God has to say to you in your crisis is powerful and practical.

About the author

Dr. Mike Summers has served as a pastor in Olathe, Kansas, since 1989. He and his wife Karen have been married since 1982 and have 6 children and 2 grandchildren.

Shepherd Press