Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography ebook

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Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography ebook

Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography ebook
Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography ebook

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Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography ebook

Model Number: LL14E
Author: Rachel Coyle
ePub ebook
ISBN 9781633420342

Pornography is a taboo topic among many Christians today—especially women. But women can and do become enslaved to it. This booklet redefines pornography in biblical terms and explores its dangers, including those of the socially acceptable forms particularly alluring to women. Learn how the Bible exposes the heart of the problem and provides abundant hope for freedom.
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About the book

Pornography is a taboo topic among many Christians today—especially women. But women can and do become enslaved to it. Impure images, steamy novels, even television dramas captivate many minds and hearts. This booklet redefines pornography in biblical terms and explores its dangers, including those of the socially acceptable forms particularly alluring to women. Learn how the Bible exposes the heart of the problem and provides abundant hope for freedom.

About the author

Rachel Coyle has been a Biblical counselor and Bible teacher for over twenty years. She holds an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University and is an ACBC-certified counselor. While her primary focus is homeschooling, she also enjoys speaking at women’s conferences and freelance writing. Rachel and her husband, Philip, live in South Carolina with their six children.

Shepherd Press