Instructing a Child’s Heart Audiobook (MP3 Download)

Tedd Tripp, Margy Tripp
MP3, 7 hours

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About the audio book

Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp provides a crucial foundation for the principles in Shepherding a Child’s Heart, teaching parents the importance of developing and shaping their children’s thinking. This formative instruction is not discipline or correction; rather, it is intentionally building a biblical culture of thought and understanding in our homes.

Instructing a Child’s Heart is an essential “how-to” manual for Shepherding a Child’s Heart, helping parents provide their children with a biblical framework for approaching and understanding all of life.

About the authors

Tedd Tripp (B.A., Geneva College; M.Div., Philadelphia Theological Seminary; D. Min, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the president of Shepherding the Heart Ministries, and is Pastor Emeritus of Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where he served from 1980 until 2012. Tedd has developed and teaches materials that encourage the people of God to understand gospel hope for the ways that human beings are pushed and pulled by the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Margy Tripp grew up in a pastor’s home in western Pennsylvania, graduated from Nyack (Missionary) College, and was married to Tedd Tripp on June 8, 1968. She is a pastor’s (retired) wife. Tedd and Margy have three children, two sons and a daughter. All three are married to great spouses who Tedd and Margy regard as their own children. They have three beautiful granddaughters and six handsome grandsons. Margy has had many opportunities for a ministry of counseling over the years as well as developing materials and studies for children, ladies, and educators.

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Shepherd Press