The Virgin Quarterback

Tim Tebow is one of, if not the most, iconic and polarizing figures in modern sports. He had an 8-5 record as a starting pro quarterback in 2011. Not bad by today’s standards. He even led his team to a playoff victory. But then, barely after his career had begun, it was over. There were many reasons given as to why. He couldn’t pass. He was at the center of a constant media circus. He was too overt about his faith. He ran too much. He would kneel in prayer when something good happened. So, despite his winning record, there was no room on the field for him. In the NFL, winning is supposed to be the main thing, unless your name is Tebow.

In light of recent events in the sports world, I believe there is another reason for the shunning of Tebow. Tim Tebow is unashamedly a virgin, committed to a biblical view of marriage. A wildly popular young man who happily refuses to indulge in sexual recreation makes people uncomfortable. I believe that, ultimately, Tebow’s decision to obey God regarding sexual conduct is the reason he is not playing today. Those who choose a different path are welcomed and honored. Some are called noble, courageous and historic role models. Colleges look the other way when casual sex is practiced by their star players. The professional sports world is filled with those who pursue sexual license with no shame. 

A commitment to virginity and sexual purity shines a bright light in the dark corners of our sports culture. Acknowledging that there is a God to whom we are all accountable makes everyone, from professors to politicians to the media elite, uneasy. In a time of unrestrained sexual pursuit, someone who remembers that God must be obeyed above personal desires is not a welcome figure.

The biblical view of sex, marriage and family is not just being rejected by our culture, it is becoming an object of ridicule and hatred. Only the gospel offers hope for you and your children. To pursue sexual purity is to invite the scorn of our culture. Don’t forget the virgin quarterback. But better to be scorned by the world than turn from the God who secured our freedom with the sacrifice of his Son. Help your children to understand that there is a price to pay for purity. But, indeed, it is a price worth paying.

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Shepherd Press