I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. Psalm 3:5 Here is a prayer by John Calvin that demonstrates the truth of Psalm 3:5. This prayer reminds us of just how intimately connected God is to our lives. Imagine consistently, night after night, asking God for strength to honor him, even in your dreams! Notice too, the peace that can come with acknowledging our sins each day knowing that we are forgiven in Christ. In this way, your conscience, along with your body may enjoy rest! “O Lord God, who has given man the night for rest, as you have created a day in which he may employ himself in labor, grant, I pray, that my […]
Daily Archives: July 15, 2015
2 posts
Young children sometimes know fear at night even if they are not sure what the darkness holds. Adults can also fear the darkness because they do know what may lay in wait. The answer for both is the wonder that is taught in Psalm 139. There is nowhere anyone can flee, physically or mentally, from the presence of God. God is there and he holds us securely in his right hand. This blessed reality makes even the darkness full of the light of our Savior. Live it before your children. Live life in the light of your Savior. He is always there! Psalm 139:7-12 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If […]