Margy Tripp grew up in a pastor’s home in western Pennsylvania, graduated from Nyack (Missionary) College, and was married to Tedd Tripp on June 8, 1968. She is a pastor’s (retired) wife. Tedd and Margy have three children, two sons and a daughter. All three are married to great spouses who Tedd and Margy regard as their own children. They have three beautiful granddaughters and six handsome grandsons. Margy has had many opportunities for a ministry of counseling over the years as well as developing materials and studies for children, ladies, and educators.
Margy is the author of It’s Not Too Late, and co-author, with Tedd, of Instructing a Child’s Heart. She also was a speaker at Shepherd Press’s conference on Rejuvenating the Gospel In Your Marriage & Family.