In the context of our various trials we need wisdom to know how to function in those trials and circumstances; it is available from a giving God, and we are to ask for it (James 1:5). Our need is no different from Israel’s. We need not only the power of God to overwhelm our obvious enemies but also the wisdom of God to detect our subtle enemies. Unfortunately, the church too often craves God’s power while it ignores God’s wisdom. Dale Ralph Davis
Daily Archives: January 18, 2014
The state of California is experiencing its worst drought in 100 years. According the NBC Channel 4 in Los Angeles, Governor Jerry Brown has declared a drought emergency. The station also reports that the governor has identified Mother Nature as the state’s adversary. Note this quote from Channel 4’s website: “I’ve called for a collaborative effort to restrain our water use,” Brown said. “This is a call to arms. This is not a partisan adversary, this is Mother Nature.” Doing battle with “Mother Nature” will lead to frustration. “Mother Nature” is not the adversary, God is. Rain falls at the pleasure of God and God alone. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 that God sends rain upon the just and […]
The major investment firms are frequent visitors in your home. No, they aren’t invited guests. They attach themselves to the popular television shows and sporting events. So, just after your team scores, the President of one of these companies shows up on the screen encouraging you to make wise investments using his brokerage firm. Just after he says goodbye, the owner of another firm flies by in his helicopter to let you know how his firm makes investing affordable. These visits are then followed by a commercial for a luxury sports sedan. The message is clear: security and peace of mind come from making wise investments and making your money grow. These things provide access to comfort and stability. While […]