We cannot teach our children how to submit to an authority unless we understand a vertical structure where equals willingly place themselves under authority. It is true that human relationships are horizontal in terms of worth and dignity. All human beings are made in God’s image, are crowned with glory and honor, and are given rule over the rest of creation. In relationship to God and saving grace all human beings are equal; all come to God on the same basis and God is no respecter of persons. But at the same time, God has established spheres of authority and responsibility for mankind. The contemporary mind has only two ways to respond to authority—rebellion or servility. We do not understand […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Something mysterious happens to items in colorfully wrapped boxes and then placed under a tree full of lights. After a short incubation period these items, called presents, become possessions when they are removed. Suddenly, all of the challenging things your remember from last Christmas, but over the course of 364 days have somehow managed to forget, are back. Presents have become possessions. Christ had an encounter with a brother who was also concerned that his sibling was not being fair. He wanted Jesus to settle an inheritance dispute. No doubt, this issue was critically important to the offended brother. He must have been taken aback to see his desire for fairness and justice be exposed for what it really was […]
Why did Jesus come? In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells you why he came to earth. His words are a mixture of joy and fear. Joy, because Jesus is my only hope. Fear, because Jesus describes exactly who I am without his mercy. If you do not think of yourself as a poor, blind slave apart from the grace of Christ, you think too much of yourself and too little of Christ. Listen to the voice of your Savior: Luke 4:16-21 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling […]
Time as we know it is not eternal, it is created. Before there was time there was God. After time ends there will be God. This is one reason God refers to himself as I Am. God is infinite, he cannot be measured by time. He simply and profoundly is. Time is temporal, having to do with what is temporary. As Paul says, don’t focus on what is temporary, but focus on eternity. Faith has to do with eternity. This means that faith is rooted not in time but in the person and character of God! For example, when we say, “I have faith everything will work out,” our understanding of faith is misplaced. Faith is not primarily about everything […]
You have one more gift to open. The day after Christmas does not mark the end of gift giving. Each morning the gift of Christ awaits. Even more, this gift is one that God opens for you. God is relentless in his pursuit to bring joy to your needy soul. He cannot be out given. No matter what circumstance you face, the unfailing love of God is constant. This love transcends the difficulties of this temporal life. Each morning the wonder of Christmas is yours again. This is not a gift that you have earned. Therefore, don’t require others to earn your love and your favor. Give this gift that is freely given to you to your spouse, to your […]
Need a last minute gift? ebooks to the rescue! An ebook directly from Shepherd Press is not only a great book, but there is no easier way to give a great present! You can send e-books you buy directly from us to others as a gift from you. This means no shipping costs and no gift wrapping. It is as easy as sending an email! Here is our Share with Integrity policy: Shepherd Press has made it easy for you to give ebooks that you buy directly from us to others; simply email the ebook to anyone you wish! All we ask is that you purchase an ebook license for each ebook you distribute. We are delighted to extend our […]
Our Children’s Needs Are the Same As Our Needs By Tedd Tripp from Instructing a Child’s Heart. Because the problem of sin is deeper than the wrong things we do and say, sin problems can only be solved by grace. Since our problem is internal, sin cannot be remedied by “getting one’s act together.” Only grace can bring radical heart transformation. When the heart receives appropriate attention, children will not be able to escape how profoundly they need grace. If they see that their problem is bigger than behavior, they are delivered from superficial views of the Christian life. Our children’s needs are the same as our needs. We need the heart transplant surgery that is promised in the grace […]
No Gospel, No Peace There is a common misunderstanding about the blessing of peace given by the angels at the birth of Christ. The blessing is not for all on earth, but for those with whom God is pleased. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14 These 17 words tell us much about the meaning of Christmas and why there can be no real peace without the rule of Christ in the hearts of men. For thousands of years since that dark day in the garden, war ruled in the human heart. The only hope of peace is changed hearts in the race of men. This was the […]
Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, unexpectedly came face-to-face with the angel Gabriel. Mary was a young woman, quite possibly a teen-ager. To say that she was startled and taken aback would be a huge understatement. But Gabriel comforts her and then with a few spoken words turned her life upside down. She was going to become a mother. She was told her child would grow up to take the throne of King David and that his kingdom would have no end. This was not an ordinary conversation. Gabriel was no ordinary visitor. Her baby would not be an ordinary son. Mary, an ordinary young woman, a sinner saved by grace, was troubled and confused and afraid as any woman […]
Christmas Made Simpler from the Desiring God Blog by Stacy Reaoch This year our family is celebrating Christmas more simply. We are eagerly anticipating flying to Texas to be with my husband’s parents and siblings, leaving the week before Christmas. Because of these major travel plans for our rowdy group of six, many things in the month of December have been simplified. And I’m finding it very freeing. Although I normally love the tradition of cutting down our tree and decorating it, this year we just have lighted greenery on our piano and a few Christmas decorations scattered around the house. Decorating took half the time and half the expense! Smaller and simpler gifts are being bought that can easily […]