
178 posts

The Godwardness of Sin

THOUGH WE ARE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, the tragic reality is that we have rebelled against God and now live under his judgment and wrath (Gen. 3: 16–19; Rom. 1:18). The image of God is therefore distorted. In Calvin’s words, God’s image is deformed, vitiated, mutilated, maimed, disease-ridden, and disfigured. This is true for all of us. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). We have failed to glorify God by not loving his person, obeying his laws, and delighting in his glory. Rather than exclusively worshiping our glorious Creator, we have served and worshiped created things (Rom. 1:21–23). We are “alienated from the life of God” and “dead in trespasses and […]

Introducing ‘Why America Hates Biblical Christianity’

Pursuing Christlikeness in Times of Mounting Hostility and Apathy by David A. Harrell As never before in American history, Christians are witnessing biblical values being replaced by laws that impose a godless, immoral, oppressive social agenda on their country. The overall disdain political and religious liberal activists have toward conservative values in general and authentic Christianity in particular has produced an ideological civil war that is raging out of control. But many people sense there’s something more sinister going on, something beyond the realm of ideological divides, something evil, perhaps even eschatological—and that’s the position of this book. Here you will learn the interplay between two corresponding evils that have been secretly gaining strength in America for many years: human […]

Created for Relationships

TO BE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD means we are designed to display God’s nature, character, and glory. As a mirror is made for reflection, so God created us to be mirrors of his character, instruments for reflecting his glory. Created in God’s image, we are invested with special dignity and entrusted with particular duties. Our distinct worth as human beings springs from being God’s image-bearers, the unique reflectors of his character on earth. The rest of creation declares God’s glory, speaking of it vividly in a great variety of ways (Ps. 19:1). But we reflect it, actually making it, in small part, visible and tangible. One of the supreme ways we reflect God’s glory is by relating to […]

Introducing “Who Needs a Friend When You Can Make a Disciple?”

Why We Wrote This Book When we tell people the title of our book, we sure do get some strong reactions! Our intention is certainly not to downplay friendships or even usurp the priority of the marital relationship. Rather, we want to show ladies that through the process of discipleship they can find a faithful friend. This is what happened to us. We have observed more often than not, when women come to a new church, they seem to be on an endless search to “find a friend” so they can “feel” a part or “feel” connected. As Christian women, we often go about finding a friend in the wrong manner. Based on common interests or a similar “season of […]

The Chief End of Man

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) WHY DID GOD CREATE US? For what purpose? The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” Speaking originally of the scattered exiles of Israel whom God promised to redeem, Isaiah 43:6–7 agrees: I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. In the first chapter of Genesis we don’t read […]

Introducing “To Be Like Jesus” by Brian G. Hedges

“SOME BOOKS FOCUS on what Christ has done for us, and others on what Christ does in us. Rare, however, are books that teach us how Christ works in us on the basis of what he had already accomplished for us. Brian Hedges has written one of these rare books, laid out in short devotions crafted to stimulate faith that bears fruit through love. This is a book not only to read, but to practice in the pursuit of holiness.” —Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan THE CHRISTIAN LIFE is a journey of spiritual and moral transformation into the glorious image and likeness of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This journey is lifelong. […]

The Trivial Life: Exploration of the Heart

One aspect of guarding your heart is having an awareness of what’s going on inside. Often, we can see what’s coming at us, but we fail to see how we are processing life internally and dishing it back out. Self-awareness in our culture is called emotional intelligence or EQ. It’s the ability to know yourself and how you relate to others. It’s an awareness of how you come across. Do you realize how you come across? Ask someone close to you, “How do others view me?” (Husbands, I dare you to ask your wife.) Some people are said to have low EQ, like the father who criticizes his kids for being on electronics way too much while he can’t even […]

The Trivial Life: Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 gives us this instruction: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (NIV). To guard and keep your heart means to protect what comes in and goes out. You have to constantly be on guard and keep your heart with all vigilance because it’s the command center for all your words, actions, and desires. John Flavel, an old Puritan pastor, used the example of guarding your heart like a besieged garrison with enemies on the outside and treacherous citizens on the inside. The imagery is dated, but the idea is good, so let me run with it in a modern equivalent. Before I was a follower of Christ, I had an unguarded and […]

Five Authors Featured in IBCD’s Top Ten Podcast Episodes

We are thankful for the work that the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship is doing, and we were happy to learn that five of our authors have been featured in IBCD’s top ten most popular podcast episodes during this past year. They are: Shannon Kay McCoy, author of Help! I’m a Slave to Food Scott Mehl, author of Loving Messy People Dr. Charles Hodges, author of Good Mood, Bad Mood Nate Brooks & Anna Mondal, authors of Help! Our Sex Life Is Troubled by Past Abuse See the whole top-ten list and listen to the podcasts at IBCD’s website.

New Titles In Stock

We are pleased to announce that we have several new titles in stock: The Trivial Life by Jason S. Lancaster When Disability Hits Home by Paul Tautges with Joni Eareckson Tada Help! I Live With Chronic Pain by Brad Brandt Help! My Child Has a Disability by Dave and Nancy Deuel Help! My Friend Has a Disability by Dave Deuel Help! My Spouse Died by Sue Nicewander Delaney Help! Our Sex Life Is Troubled by Past Abuse by Nate Brooks & Anna Mondal We also have a new bundle, the Family Disability Toolkit, which collects several of our disability-related titles at a discounted price: Family Disability Toolkit (Paperback) Family Disability Toolkit (ePub) Family Disability Toolkit (Kindle) In addition, we have […]