Twice each day tens of thousands of people walk away from a life that is much like yours. They leave their kids, their spouses, their pets, their lawns that need mowing, their bills, the struggles and joys of life. For the next 12 hours or so, they willingly become a target of all that is evil and wrong in this world.
You see these folks at the grocery store, at a restaurant, in traffic, at the park. They look just like you, part of the busyness of life. But then, they put on the color blue, body armor, a badge, a weapon and become an avenger who brings the wrath of God upon those who would do you harm.
None of these blue avengers are perfect. Some more obviously than others. The 24/7 news cycle vividly etches their failures into our minds. However, this morning as the night shift ends, thousands and thousands more dress in blue, grab their coffee and take their place to watch in the light of day. No news coverage here. No mention of the commitment that makes it possible for the rest of us to make our journey to work, school or whatever.
God puts these avengers of wrongdoing between you and the ugliness of the human spirit. Sometimes this evil breaks through into our lives. But the only reason there is any safety or the ability to go about daily life is because of these who wear blue. Whether they acknowledge God or not – and many, many do – they serve his purpose to bring fear to those who would do you harm.
Those who wear blue make life possible for the rest of us. These blue avengers are part of God’s plan for your good. Be thankful for them and to God.