Current Events

156 posts

Did Prohibition end Alcohol Abuse?

This is an important question. Was alcohol or evil the problem in early 20th Century America? Are guns or evil the problem in early 21st Century America? Evil is a reality that will exist until Christ returns. We live in the time of the Fall. This means that evil actions are certain. Will the elimination of alcohol, vehicles, drugs, or guns end evil? No, the reality is that if even all of these things were made illegal the world would not be a safer place. Why, because evil would still remain. Man would still maim and murder. Legislation will not drive evil from the human heart.    Because of horrific abuse, Congress made the consumption of alcohol illegal. Thus, Prohibition […]

Sin, Penn State, and the Gospel

This week’s revelations about the football program at Penn State are beyond troubling. Joe Paterno was an icon of virtue in college football. He and his program did things the right way—that is, until he looked the other way. The devastating, horrific story has been chronicled in the national media. Paterno testified before a grand jury that he had heard of a sexual assault by Jerry Sandusky, one of his assistant coaches, on a young boy. He then reported that incident to other leaders in the university, as required by law, but he told no one else and did not talk with his assistant about the alleged incident. He now says he wishes he had done more. Paterno’s actions, or […]

Is 9/12 safer than 9/11?

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite rumors and concerns there were no follow up attacks in the United States. Which raises the question – are you safer today than yesterday? We addressed this in the last post – we are only truly safe if we belong to Christ. To help underscore this truth, Proverbs offers some helpful commentary.  Note the relevance of these words.   Discuss it with your children. Thank God for it in your prayers.  The Lord is our confidence. Praise his name! 21 My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; 22 they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. 23 Then […]

Too Busy for God

The sky displays the glory of God for those who long to see it. Those who don’t know God reject the testimony to God’s power and greatness; they have no choice but to suppress God’s truth. But Christians have no such restriction. We can freely gaze at the amazing  power of God in the sky each day, appreciating its awesome display. But most of us are too busy to take much notice of the daily display of the glory of God. When we’re on vacation, we are more likely to notice the work of God above us if we are in some scenic spot. But what about Monday morning? What about today? Moms, Dads, kids, teenagers—all of us will be […]

Irene & Jonah

The spectacular events of life grab our attention—particularly “natural” disasters, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and tropical cyclones. The 24/7 news outlets swing into action, as they did this past weekend. Hurricane Irene made headlines as it moved up the eastern seaboard of the United States. For a while it appeared that Irene would strike large cities, from Washington, D.C. to Boston, with the power of a major hurricane. There was a collective sigh of relief as the storm approached land and weakened. But even in its weakened condition, over 40 people have died, millions are still without power, trees were uprooted, tornadoes were spawned, and news reports of inland flooding are still coming in. As significant as this damage is, […]


Today is a day of national remembrance for the United States:  Memorial Day. We pause collectively to remember that many have died for our benefit.  On this day of remembered sacrifice, it is humbling to consider why so many have offered their lives so that we could live in freedom. We could think, as many do, that these sacrificial deaths are proof of an inherent goodness in man, and that despite all man’s negative traits, the spark of goodness remains. Surely, the willingness to die in battle shows that man is basically good in some way.  But such thinking would miss the mark, eliminating the need for Christ to die for sin. But if man is totally depraved, then how […]

Camping Out – Part 2

Today is May 21. The six p.m. deadline has passed, and at last report the rapture has not occurred. Some are embarrassed, some are elated, some are confused, some are amused; some mock and others are angry. For sure, it must be a difficult time for Harold Camping and his followers. But what about Christians who believe the Bible is true, who believe that Jesus Christ will return at the hour of God’s choosing? It is easy to feel frustration because our faith is being mocked by people around the globe and around the block. How does God want us to respond?

Are We God-Proof?

Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. The video images of  skyscrapers in Tokyo, swaying back and forth during this weekend’s monster earthquake, demonstrate this point. The fact that these buildings swayed, but did not fall, is a tribute to Japanese technology and planning. The problem is that there are few skyscrapers in the city of Sendai, which lies along the eastern coast of Japan, just miles from the epicenter of Friday’s massive earthquake. The most prominent structures in Sendai are homes, businesses, and nuclear power plants. These were all ravaged by the devastating force of the 8.9 earthquake and the tsunami that followed. Breathtaking videos showed the raw power of God, as boats, cars, […]

God, the Middle East & the Oscars

This post is taken from our latest newsletter. The theme of this newsletter is to help people see that God is vitally involved in all that happens in life. So on the surface the turmoil in the Middle East and the Academy Awards may seem to have little to do with each other. But God rules over each and every fragment of life. The solution to the impact of sin is always bowing to the will of God and his Son. In this sense all of life is connected to the plans and purposes of God. Please pass the newsletter along to those you know. It is a great way to know what is going with Shepherd Press and perhaps […]