Rahab. Ruth. Deborah. Jael. Esther. Mary. Each of these women faced a moment in time when they had to choose faith over fear. Each was alone before her God. Each faced huge physical and emotional consequences for the choices they made. Yet not one of them so much as hesitated. They were all in with what God called them to do. They were and are role models faith, courage, and passion. Faith Each of these women was shaped by their faith. And for each one of them, that faith was shaped by raw, intimate encounters with the living God. Each woman knew in her heart that God could be trusted. They knew that following God in the face of danger […]
It’s early Monday morning, very early. What makes this Monday different from last Monday? Will I ask the same question next Monday? Will there be a next Monday? Will faith be deeper? Will hopes grow more distant? Will love bless or curse? Will I be bound by perceptions of weakness? Will fears make me less vulnerable? Will love curse or bless? Will I fear to risk? Will I run from my dream? Will I trust the light in the darkness? Will love bless or curse? Will I embrace death to know life? Will I nourish or starve? Will I honor doubt or truth? Will I trust? Will love bless? Will I have the courage to choose life? It’s early […]
The book of Judges tells the story of a dark time in the history of Israel. Yet even in the darkness, God was at work. As He often does, He brought light and hope from the most unexpected place. Naomi accompanied her faithless husband, Elimelech, to Moab; he doubted that God could provide for him in the land of promise. So he turned his back on the provision of God. Years later, Naomi returned to Bethlehem from Moab. Her husband and her two sons had died. All she had to bring back with her was her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Yet, even in Naomi’s bitterness and sadness, she still retained her faith in the Lord of Hosts. This faith was observed by […]
TRUST is believing and doing what God tells me in the Bible, even when it is hard to do. DOUBT is attempting to find another alternative in the face of clear biblical teaching. FAITH is knowing the difference between trust and doubt and doing what God says over what I want or fear. FEAR is listening to doubt instead of faith. Thus trust is a biblical response to fear. The world is often a scary place. Life is full of things that you and I cannot control. We cannot eliminate the things that bring fear from our daily lives. We cannot will our children to safety. In response to fear God calls us to trust him: In God, whose word […]
Biblical parenting is an exercise in faith. This fact makes biblical parenting different from every other parenting methodology. A journey of faith cannot always be accurately measured by visible markers. Other forms of parenting are measured by evaluating immediate responses—if the behavior doesn’t change quickly, then something must be wrong. Thankfully, God calls us to trust him in faith. In biblical parenting, the primary objective is not to simply change behavior but to bring about a change in heart that leads to repentance, which leads to faith in Christ. This, of course, will result in a change in behavior. But behavioral change cannot be the primary goal. Parental instruction focuses on the commands of God, not with the behavior of […]
My friend, Will Hunter, has offered a thought-provoking challenge about the amazing benefits that Christ has secured for us from Romans 5:1-11. Through the sacrifice of his Son, God has given his people the huge blessing of a justified life. However, it is so easy and so foolish to fail to take advantage of this “justified life.” You have been given the gift of being justified by faith and not by the good things that you try to do. This gift is immediate and continued access to God’s grace. You have been reconciled to the mighty, awesome, majestic Lord of the Universe. You have peace with the ultimate warrior and avenger. You need not fear death. There is no person, […]
Psalm 23 ends with God stating what is always true. A feast is always available for the sheep of God’s pasture. This psalm reminds us that no matter what our circumstances appear to be, the good Shepherd is always caring for his sheep. What does this mean when you inhabit the dark valleys of life? The human heart is capable of journeys immeasurable delight and equally immeasurable despair. David, the shepherd, the king, the father, the sinner knew these highs and lows. He danced with joy and he wept bitter tears of loss. He won conquests against overwhelming odds. However, he, like us, often lost his battles with his flesh. As this psalm says, David knew the peace of […]
The middle portion of Psalm 23 begins with a commitment to renew your strength and to lead you along paths that are true. These comforting assurances are exactly what is needed to walk through the dark valleys of life. David understood well how dark these valleys can be. His song is filled with the emotions of loss, betrayal, grief, guilt, and sadness. He knew intimately the depth of despair that inhabits these valleys. Remember that David’s own sons attempted to take away his kingdom. One wanted to kill him. David knew loneliness and betrayal. He often had good reason for fear for his life and safety. Yet in the face of these anxiety-laden circumstances, he drew comfort that the […]
Three years of hope, gone. Jesus gave John, the only disciple with him at his death, final instructions about caring for his mother. Then Jesus spoke his final words — “It is finished.” To you and me, now, those are words of hope and wonder. Jesus did what was necessary to secure life for his sheep. “It is finished” means that our sins are forgiven, Jesus did the will of his Father. They are words of comfort and peace. But that is not likely what they meant on that Saturday to those who had followed Christ. In the distance, perhaps they could still see the three barren crosses. Their ears had heard the unique, precious words of their Teacher. Their […]
John records that at the end of his life Jesus said, “it is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. These are not the actions and words of a victim. Jesus was in control of his own death. He ended his life when it was the right time when he had finished what his Father asked him to do. No one took his life from him, he laid down of his own accord (John 10:17-18). The death of Jesus was not a random moment in time. He died in obedience when he had completed all that he had been given to do. This is what obedient love and sacrifice look like. Jesus is our Messiah because […]