
Kirk Cameron’s latest film, Connect, is about the world your teenagers inhabit. You see your children in the physical world of school, soccer practices, church, meals, homework and the daily rush of life. But, at the same time, you know that your kids are connected to somewhere else, to a world of thoughts and attractions you cannot reach. The reality hits: “my kids are connected, but not to God and not to me!”

Connect meets this reality head on. Kirk and his wife Chelsea have 6 teenagers. He knows first-hand the powerful connection of the dark virtual world. So Kirk wanted to know why the virtual, online world has such power over our teenagers. Most importantly Kirk wanted to know how parents can regain and strengthen the relational connection with our children and teenagers. Connect is the story of what Kirk discovered.

Connect weaves together the stories of parents, young people, and warriors on the front lines of the battle with the dark connection. You will learn how one dad sought out an online predator who was virtually stalking his young son. You will hear from teenagers who were sucked into the connection with the dark, virtual world and how God rescued them.

Then, Kirk takes you to the next level. He introduces you to a brain specialist, a psychologist, a pastor, and a ministry leader who are all in the battle to reestablish the lost connection with our children. You will gain a clear understanding into why the virtual world has such attraction.

But the most important message of Connect is that the real battle is not with social media but for the heart! Kirk will provide you with practical, biblical insights that will enable you make the connection that is most important: the heart connection! Instead of the fake approval of the online world Connect will help you offer the unchanging gift of God’s grace.

Go see Connect, you can’t afford to miss this connection!

Click here to see the Connect trailer.

Help! My Kids Are Viewing Pornography
Shepherd Press