Humility and Awe

Humility and power are seldom connected. Humility is associated with peace, passivity and keeping a low profile. A humble person is not considered a person to be feared. When your kids are out of control, humility is probably not the first thing you pray for. In our culture humility does not inspire awe.

All of these thoughts about humility might be widely held. But they all are wrong.

The most courageous, loved, feared and hated man ever to walk the face of the earth described himself as humble. This man began his life on earth in a stable because there was no room for him anywhere else. But while his birth was ignored by people the heavens above erupted with mighty angels praising his birth.

Jesus Christ described himself as humble in heart. In his inner most being he was humble. In humility he became a gigantic wrecking ball to the forces of evil in this world.

A life that is truly humble will be a life of dynamic power and upheaval.


Humility means doing what God wants as opposed to doing what I want. Pride is doing what I want instead of what God commands. To be humble means to consider God before myself. This takes courage.

The baby Jesus is easily accepted because infants are not associated with fear. But this baby grew up to become the great rider on the white horse whose sword would strike the nations. This is the picture of humility that must capture your thoughts!

Jesus said. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Pray earnestly for the power of humility. Your children will be threatened by your pride, but they will be blessed and awed by your humility.

Shepherd Press