Loving the Church on the Radio & More

Tomorrow, December 14th, John Crotts, author of Loving the Church will be interviewed on the Knowing the Truth radio program. The program’s host is Pastor Kevin Boling. Kevin’s show has received wide acclaim for its commitment to biblical truth.  I have had the opportunity to be a guest on his show and I know that you will enjoy the program. You can listen to the show live between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. or you can listen to the broadcast later on at Sermon Audio.  The live show will be available on the internet world-wide.

During the program Kevin Boling will announce a special coupon code to receive a discount on Loving the Church. The coupon will be good for 24 hours from the start of the show.

The links are listed below.

Foe Live Radio:


To listen after the live broadcast:


Free ebook!

Remember also that you can get a free ebook of Loving the Church when you purchase the print copy. Here is the link to this special as well as the offer for our newest release, Christ Formed in You, by Brian Hedges.


Shepherd Press