The movie Noah will be released tomorrow, March 28th, in the United States. We know little about the film apart from a few trailers and some early reviews. But, one thing we do know is what the Bible says about Noah. There is a Sunday School version of Noah’s life. However, this version often does not represent what God recorded in the Bible. The life and times of Noah were dark.
If you think things are bad in the world today, things were worse, much worse in Noah’s time. Evil in men’s hearts was unrestrained. The animals had no natural fear of man and they along with all the earth were wicked. The wickedness became so great that the book of Genesis tells us that God was grieved that he had made man and animals. The earth had become corrupt. The story of Noah needs to reshape our idea of what is evil is like.
God did bring the flood and with it the destruction of life. You know the story of the ark and the rescue of Noah’s family and the animals with him. Of Noah’s 950 years, one year and ten days were spent on the ark. For a short time after he left the ark, things were bright, better.
However, even the beauty of the rainbow spoke of dark times ahead. When the Lord made his covenant with Noah, he knew the heart of man would remain wicked (see Genesis 8:21) The rainbow anticipated the coming of Christ. God gives mankind his covenantal promise that he will not again wipe life from the earth, even though the human heart of darkness would remain.
The rainbow was a beautiful reminder that God would patiently wait for the coming of Christ to pour out his wrath and to provide redemption for his people. How fitting it is that we often see rainbows after violent storms. Even in darkness there is hope!
But for Noah and his offspring, darkness would continue to plague him. Noah would become drunk. His own son would defile him. The immediate legacy of men would be to defy God and attempt to build a great tower as monument to themselves. The next light would come many years later. God would call a man named Abram to be a blessing to the nations.
Regardless of what the movie Noah will be like, the biblical record is clear. God’s message will not change. The story of Noah represents what happens to man when he rejects the rule of God. Darkness and evil is the result. God’s redemption in Christ remains our only hope.
7 thoughts on “Noah, a time of darkness”
I have thougjt about whether or not to watch this movie and I think I will pass. When things dont line up with the word people can be led astray and I feel this movie may be a perfect example. After it has been out and we have a more accurate view of its alignmrnt with the Genesis account of the flood I may change my mind. Thank you gor blogging about this to remind us that regardless of Hollywoods take on how to tell this story, the bible us the infallible word of God and we can rest assured of its accuracy and relatability in our age and circumstances.
GOSPEL, WORLDVIEW, IF “The animals had no natural fear of man and they along with all the earth were wicked,” How did Noah get them on the ark?
Debby – the obvious answer is that God collected the animals and sent them to Noah. He did have go round them up.
Robert, there was no attempt to deny the clear biblical teaching of the final destruction of the earth. Only that as Gen.8:22 says they earth will remain until that time.
Deann, the post refers to the movie Noah which is released today.
Robert, This article did not say that God promised not to destroy the EARTH again, it stated that God would not “wipe life from it”. When God destroys the earth at the end it will be for the purpose of creating it anew, not to destroy life. People will be judged separately.
Jennifer, I appreciate your point of view as to weather or not you are going to view the film. I might add that I am saying this without having watched the film myself. This is in no way an attempt to point a finger at you or anyone else that may share your point of view so please don’t receive it as such. I just can’t help but think .. isn’t it our responsibility as a Christian to be aware of what people are being told and why they believe what they believe? Unless we are aware of the misdirection that others are being lead … how can we be able to help them? I think it might be one of the areas we fall so short in. Watching something that may or may not line up with the bible is something we should be aware of and if we have a relationship with God as we should we will be able to know that. The holy spirit will speak to us and we have the word of God to direct us in the ways we are to follow him. I’m just offering this up as something to think about. I thought i might just share what was on my heart for others to pray about and seek God on what he may have you do personally. It is so easy for us to look around us and see all the misery and the life that gets sucked away from sin and death in this world. However, God is love and he wants ALL his children to be with him. Not just the “good guys” not the ones that seem to deserve it. Again… just thought I would share what was on my heart. God Bless you all… enjoyed reading all this.