Search Results for : red like blood

47 results

Human Outrage and God

The world is angry. One country attacks another. One religious movement is filled with rage for those not like them. One political leader wants more power than he has. Anger shapes of the dangers of our world, both foreign and domestic. However, there is a root cause to this anger that cannot be addressed by diplomacy, state departments and congress. This anger is directed at God and his rule over this planet and the hearts of people. In Psalm 2, the Holy Spirit asks the question and then gives us the answer: Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against […]

The Dark Shadows

The long, dark shadows of your fears for tomorrow are cast before you. They are like the shadows of the mountains against a setting sun. What is hiding in those shadows? How will you find the help and courage you need to go on and find safety? The hills around you may hide struggles and terrors of all kinds. Where will you find the help you need to keep going? Then your heart remembers that your God made the hills. His sun casts the long, dark shadows before you. His Son, your savior, has taken this path before you. He has prayed for you. He watches over you. Unlike you, he never sleeps. By his blood he has secured your […]

Watching God Work

Every four years, as Americans, we have the privilege of seeing God’s faithfulness displayed in the transition of the executive office of President. Four years ago, God made Barack Obama once again to be the President of the United States. Tomorrow, January 20th, if things go as planned, Donald Trump will also be made President by the power of God. These two men are radically different individuals. But they have this one thing in common, they each serve at the pleasure of the God of heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit makes this clear in places like Daniel 2 and Colossians 1:15-20. Here are Daniel’s words: “Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.  He said, “Praise the name of God […]

Do you remember the greatest Warrior of all time?

Do you remember that hundreds of thousands have died so you can worship in freedom? Do you remember that all of your stuff, all of your possessions cannot produce life? Do you remember that you would not know joy without the care of God? Do you remember that you are here to live for God and to die to yourself? Do you remember that you are not your own, but that you were bought with a price? Do you remember the greatest Warrior who lived?    Do you remember that this same Warrior gave his life so that untold millions would find life?   Do you remember that this same Warrior has taken away the sting of death?   Do […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day and everyday!

Your Rules or God’s Light Here are two ways to view the Bible. Which one is more likely to be the view your children have of scripture? View #1                                                                                                                            The Bible and worship are “…nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.” Isaiah 29:13  View #2                              […]

God with us

Matthew quotes the Prophet Isaiah and in so doing he brings to us perhaps the most amazing reality of the  Advent. This wonderful truth is that in the persons of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit God is continually with his people. People often say they wish Christmas could last all year long. Well, for those whom God has called, the reason for Christmas will be with you all year long – right into eternity! Once the presents are opened and the tree is taken down the thoughts of Christmas fade into the New Year celebrations. But for you, God’s child, the person of Immanuel lives on. He is with you. This is a foundational reality that must not be […]

Unstoppable – Compelling Answers to Life’s Hard Questions

Kirk Cameron’s new film, Unstoppable, is one you won’t want to miss. This film is intimate, edgy, bold and full of the unexpected. Let me explain.   It is intimate. The idea for the film came from the life and death of a 15 year old son of one of Kirk’s friends. The young man battled cancer for ten years. His death hit home to Kirk in a personal and painful way. The deep and heart-rending  impact comes through powerfully in the film. When something like this happens, we want to know why. Why would God bring cancer to a family that only wants to serve him? Kirk addresses the universal question, why do bad things to good people. Unstoppable […]

Mommy, will a tornado come to our house?

Your children may have questions about the destructive tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma this past Monday.  Your answer to these questions will impact the way your children think about God. When something good happens like an unexpected gift or news that a biopsy was benign, it is not difficult to say that God is good. When someone who is obviously evil  experiences judgement it is also easy to talk about the goodness and justice of God.  But what about when the third massive tornado strikes the same town in 15 years?  This  third storm, an EF5 tornado, leveled neighborhoods and took the lives of children in their elementary school. Is God still good and just? What do you tell your […]

Social Networking & Your Time

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. ESV Colossians 4:5 Jenny, one of our regular blog readers, raised the concept of “me time.” As Christians our lives are to be centered on bringing honor to the name of God in all that we do. (I Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17, etc.) Our culture inundates us with the idea that our first need is to care for ourselves. Yes, our culture says, God is important, but only as he or she meets our need for whatever spiritual vacuum we have that needs filling. From a cultural standpoint the idea of spirituality is just another part caring for myself first. Culturally, we are challenged every day to see […]

A Deafening Silence

America is a nation searching for answers, following the shooting this weekend in Arizona. At least six people were killed, including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl. Among the fourteen others who were wounded in this assault was U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head. The Congresswoman was holding a public event called “Congress on Your Corner,” at a Tucson supermarket.  The event was patriotic and peaceful. Yet, for reasons unknown at this time, a young man chose to bring death and terror to the gathering.