A judgmental spirit towards people is a dangerous thing. It leads to doubt, mistrust and broken relationships. However, there is another form of judgment that is far more destructive: the practice of judging God.
When you begin to question God’s faithfulness, when circumstances are not what you wanted, you are actually judging God. When your general response to life is that life is a bummer or you live with constant disappointment, you are judging God.
Because the Holy Spirit says that God is causing all the events in your life to work together for your good. So, when you look at life and fail to see God’s goodness, even in the painful things, you are judging God. You are critiquing God based upon your perception of how you think things should be. Not a good idea!
Patience means that you acknowledge that God is a better script writer than you are. Paul describes Christians as God’s workmanship, his poem, created in Christ for the good works he has prepared for us. Thus living with patience is an art form. You are participating with God in what he has for you to bring honor to his name!
When things are going well, we tend to be okay with God’s control. But, when things are painful, we can be frustrated, even angry. When there is pain, when there is deep disappointment, when there is hurt in a relationship, the praise of God can be distant from our lips.
Praise brings the comfort of God to the middle of the hurt and loss. Your savior knew pain and loss so that he would be there for you in your need. Patience is the Holy Spirit’s path in difficult times. Patience is not something that is accomplished by human effort alone. Patience is the fruit of God’s Spirit. Patience is the art of trusting God and not judging him. Patience is living in the expectation of God’s good care!